Page 113 of Lost Track
His fingers skimmed over her warm skin and lingered. “You have dimples back here too,” he said without thinking.
She glanced over her shoulder like she was trying to see what he was saying.
He touched one of the dimples with a finger. “Venus dimples.” He winked at her. “I thought this chain would serve more of a practical purpose but it does not.”Except to make me want to touch her right there.“How is this dress even staying up? It defies logic.”
She turned around and his hand slid free of her skin. She looked up at him with worried eyes. “Is it stupid? Should I wear something else?”
“No.” He shook his head, and even though he knew better, he cupped her cheek with his palm and looked directly into those hazel eyes. “It’s perfect. You’re the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”
She smiled, her cheeks turning hot pink.
“But for real,” he pressed. “How is this staying up? Is it magic?” He dipped his head, bringing his face closer to hers. “You’re magic, aren’t you? It’s okay, you can tell me. It would explain a lot, actually.”
And then something happened. Something that was going to be burned into Dave’s memory for the rest of his life.
Sabine, still smiling, licked her lips and dropped her eyes to his mouth.
He took a deep breath while taking a large step back. His hand slid free of her face and he scanned her up and down again.
“You don’t wear your hair down often. Did you lighten it again?” He needed to get the walls of his compartments repaired. Quickly.
She touched the ends of her freshly lightened hair and smiled self-consciously. “Catherine’s team did the hair, the makeup.” She held her hands up, palms facing her. “My nails.”
“You look incredible. No one is going to understand why you’re there with me.”
Her eyebrows dipped. “No.”
“No?” he repeated, lips twitching.
“We’re not doing that tonight. We’re taking a break from all the negative self-talk. Got it?” An eyebrow arched in challenge.
How was he supposed to tell her that he’d do whatever she said?
“Okay,” he agreed, with a single nod and a slow blink.
Her expression softened and he reached for her hand. She slipped her smaller one into his and he couldn’t remember ever feeling so anchored.
* * *
They’d spent a lot of time together as Dave and Sabine, but this was really the first time she’d been able to experience Sunshine Capone.
The moment they’d stepped out of the limo he’d come alive. Bright smiles, waving to everyone, gracious with his fans.
Instead of proceeding to the red carpet, he went over to the ropes where crowds of fans had gathered to catch a look at their favorite artist. Over and over, he signed things, smiled for pictures, took selfies.
At one point he was facetiming someone and singing one of his songs.
Who did that?
She looked around at all the other celebrities arriving and the answer was no one. No one did that.
When he rejoined her, he took her by the hand and led her to the red carpet. He waved a final time to his fans.
“I just realized I have never spent any time with Sunshine Capone,” she said.
He grinned down at her and she felt it in her toes.