Page 118 of Lost Track
“You can’t make me look bad. That’s not possible. And don’t worry about remembering anyone. I amterribleat names and they keep inviting me to these things anyway.”
She smiled, her nerves relaxing. She propped an elbow on the table and rested her chin on her fist. He was still holding her hand and she didn’t hate it.
In fact, it was anchoring her to reality, filling her with calm assurance.
“So,” she said, remembering what she wanted to say since the red-carpet interview. “I had no idea you could do that. Make something up like that on the spot, that is.”
His lips twitched and he shrugged one shoulder. “It’s my brain. Moves fast.”
“I’m going to say something you already know but I haven’t told you yet.”
His eyes darkened to a deeper blue, almost navy, and he shifted closer to her.
“You’re insanely talented,” Sabine said seriously. “I wasn’t kidding when I said that you win all the awards. There’s no competition. They should just call it the Sunshine Capone award and send everyone else home.”
He chuckled, his cheeks turning a light pink, and looked around the room briefly. He focused on her again, his smile cute and self-conscious.
“Well,” he licked his lips and pumped his eyebrows once. “It was a little like cheating. She asked me to say something about you. The rhymes write themselves.”
She dropped her head back and laughed. When she righted herself, he was watching her with a sort of wonder on his face.
“You think I’m joking?” he asked. He dropped his voice and held her hand near his lips again.
“Has no idea
she hits like a dart
An energy drink to my heart
Caffeine, taurine, and smarts
The chill in my veins
The sun in my name
Can’t complain, all the same
Leading me out of the dark”
She bit down on her bottom lip because she had no words.
He grinned and kissed her knuckles again.
But she felt it in her heart.
* * *
He didn’t win anything.
His performance went fine. Not that that had been on his mind. Performing was cake for him. He saw artists freak out all the time over silly shit like missed cues and clunky effects.
But he just went out there and did his best and if it went to shit then it went to shit.
It was the afterparties that spiked his anxiety.
Everyone else seemed so at ease at those things.