Page 123 of Lost Track
A memory flashed through her mind from two months ago when she’d first met him. A vlogger had spoken at length of his charm and charisma and how his unassuming nature just made it easier to land models and actresses. That his MO was always the same, befriend, flirt, whisk away to places unknown, rob them of their hearts and minds, and then discard them when he’d emptied them out. Leaving shells of broken women in his wake.
She closed her eyes against the words and forced them to the back of her mind. Because that wasn’t Dave. That was someone who had never even met him, dissecting him for clicks.
The bathroom door opened and she forgot about the vlogger.
“We are not in California anymore.” He ran into her room, closing the door behind him, then jumped onto the bed. “It’s so cold here.” He pulled the covers back and crawled inside.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, I’m very warm.” She rolled her back to him.
“That’s because you’re a little heater. C’mere.” He wrapped both arms around her and buried his face in her neck. His legs tangled with hers and after a second, their bodies were touching in every possible way.
And Sabine’s heart was pounding.
She needed to calm down.
This was something they had done many times. The snuggling and the affectionate touches, those were common. Though they’d never done it in their underwear. In her bed.
Her bed was her sanctuary.
She didn’t allow anyone else in her bed unless there was imminent threat of marriage.
Maybe threat was the wrong word.
“Can we stay here all day?” he asked.
“Mm-hm.” She rubbed his forearm where it was pressed to her middle. “I don’t work until tomorrow. You can stay all day.” She left off the “if you want.” Because it seemed unnecessary.
He lifted his head and she glanced over her shoulder to see him narrow those sleepy eyes at her.
“Are you sick or anything? Do you need water or painkillers?” he asked.
“I’m pretty good, actually. Tequila doesn’t hurt me the way vodka does.” She reached a hand around and traced a finger over the rose near his eye. When her eyes came back to his, they were darker than before.
“Sabine,” he said, his voice husky. His eyes dropped to her mouth and stayed for a beat. His fingers on her stomach splayed wide and he tightened his hold. Then he lowered his mouth and brushed his lips over hers.
He slid his hand from her stomach up to her side and then down her hip. His lips found the spot behind her ear and pressed kisses from there down the line of her neck.
Her body reflexively arched into his.
The hand at her hip guided her to her back until she was looking up at him. He was propped up on one arm while his other hand still lingered on her. Everywhere. All over her skin. Featherlight touches. As if his fingers were cataloguing every curve and plane on her body with deliberate accuracy.
His hand moved to her ribs, caressing her body through the shirt she was still wearing. He watched his hand move down her side until it curved around her hip and over her ass, and then back again. Slowly, he ran his hand up to her ribs again, this time under the shirt, stopping just below her breast.
His gaze came back to her and he brushed his lips over hers again.
He put his head on her chest, his ear pressed to her heart and held her tight.
She tried to breathe.
He had to be able to hear her heart racing. It wasn’t like she could hide it. Instead, she brushed her fingers through his hair and down his back. She used both of her hands to touch him in soft ways. His shoulders, his arms, his forehead.
His hand roamed down her side, kneaded her hip, moved down to her thigh. He hooked behind her knee and brought her leg over top of his. Now she was twisted at the waist, lower half facing his, upper half pinned down with his head on her heart.
He continued moving his hand all along her skin, her legs, her stomach, her back, her hips. He really liked her hips. He would pause at her hips and hold them in a firm grip before moving on to softer touches.
He lifted his head a bit and pushed the shirt up her stomach to just below her breasts. He licked his lips and then pressed them to the skin of her belly.
She must’ve let out some sort of sound because he lifted his eyes to her. He watched her then as he lowered his face and placed open mouth kisses all over her exposed stomach. From her ribs down to where the hem of her panties began. His hands were everywhere. Soft, gentle, soothing. Her legs, her hips, her sides. All the while, watching her reactions.