Page 161 of Lost Track
“She’s good to you. She’s goodforyou.”
Dave smiled softly at his oldest friend. “Yeah. She’s it. I don’t want anyone else. Just her. I want the whole thing too. Marriage, babies, ugly-ass white tennis shoes and tucked in shirts.”
Max’s eyebrows lifted into his hairline. And for once, the lawyer was speechless.
“I know, I know,” Dave said, holding his hand out. “It’s too soon for that. But...” He swallowed the tightness in his throat. “That’s where I’m headed. I don’t know how long it’ll take to get her there, but I can wait.”
Max took a careful breath. “You’re not great with patience.”
“You’re not wrong,” Dave replied regrettably. “I may need a few reminders along the way.” He took a sip of his coffee and changed the subject. “By the way, I want to start putting my money to good use. I want lots of options. Schools, clinics, sports, kids, all of it. I don’t know how to even start organizing those kinds of things.”
Max’s expression lit up. “I can make a binder for that!”
“Are you busy?”
Nikki raised just her eyes and blinked at him. Her hands were currently wrist deep in an amplifier.
“That’s a yes?” Dave clarified.
Nikki sat back on her heels. “I suppose it depends. If you need a ride to the airport, then yes, I’m busy. If you accidently bought too many tacos, I am available.”
He grinned. “Tacos sound like a good idea. We should order some. But I just need an opinion.”
She tilted her head to the side, interested.
“I have plenty of those.”
He was counting on that.
He turned to leave, hoping she’d know to follow.
She did.
Normally he would have asked Johnny or Hannah to come listen to what he and Zara had cooked up, but they had left abruptly for a meeting. Or something. He had only been half listening.
Nikki had a great ear though and Johnny would have asked her opinion eventually.
She followed him to control room X.
He hit playback on what he and Zara had been working on and then waited.
Nikki sat down at the board and adjusted some settings.
“It’s fine but what if you added a…” She did the magic button thing and Dave nodded like he knew what she did different. He didn’t.
Like, he could hear how it was changed, but he had no idea what thing she’d done.
“Oh!” Zara leaned forward and began singing over the beat.
“I thought you two were just doing one song,” Nikki said, flicking through the work they’d created the week before. “There’s more than one song here.”
“I’m trying to decide which ones to put on the next LP,” Dave explained.