Page 166 of Lost Track
Max sighed, unaffected by Mandy’s mean words. At least, that’s how he wanted to be viewed. But Sabine could feel the negative energy zipping through the room.
“I always find it fascinating how dynamic personalities can bring out different aspects of those who care about them,” Sabine said calmly. Max and Mandy turned their attention to her with matching frowns. She tucked her hands under her thighs and continued. “I think we can all agree that Sunshine brings out big feelings in everyone around him.”
Max’s lips twitched and his gaze dropped to the floor.
Mandy eyed Sabine suspiciously.
Sabine’s attention was drawn back to the window. Dave’s expression looked worried as he viewed what he could see of the control room. Sabine smiled to reassure him.
And while she was confident in what she’d said—Sunshinedidbring out big emotions in those around him—she couldn’t help but wonder about Mandy’s warning. Not because she thought that Max or Dave would intentionally mislead her. But there was enough truth in what Mandy said for Sabine to take note.
She’d never been invited to Dave’s place for example. Was that because they weren’t there yet or because Dave was worried he’d be judged?
Max sat down beside Sabine again and carefully changed the subject to benign things. They visited quietly; Mandy mostly forgotten in her corner of the room.
Sabine excused herself to use the restroom. On her way back to the control room, Zara and Mandy passed her in the hallway as they were leaving.
Mandy stopped, getting Sabine’s attention.
“I get it. You’re the cute teacher girl who’s patient and understands him. It makes sense. But just remember, all of us thought we were the exception at one time.”
“Babe.” Zara tugged on Mandy’s arm. “Let it go.” She shot an apologetic smile to Sabine. “Sorry.”
Mandy huffed and strode down the hall where Zara’s security took over and escorted her to the back door. Zara watched until her friend was gone and she faced Sabine.
“Listen, you and Sunshine have something that’s all yours. Don’t let the opinions of others interfere with it. Trust me.” Zara squeezed Sabine’s arm with a smile and then she was gone.
Sabine stood in the empty hall for a few minutes, trying to get her thoughts and feelings in order.
That’s where Dave and Max found her.
“Dinner at your place?” Dave asked, sliding his hands around her waist and placing a kiss on her cheek. “Can I ride with you?”
She rested her hands lightly on his arms. “I’d be honored. What about you, Max? Joining us for dinner?”
Max ran a hand through his hair and smiled. “Not tonight. Thanks anyway.”
“Max has a flight to catch,” Dave supplied, pressing soft kisses to Sabine’s neck below her ear.
“See you two later,” Max called over his shoulder as he left the building.
“Ready to go?” she asked Dave.
He paused, staring into her eyes with a soft expression on his face.
“Yeah,” he replied, voice just above a whisper.
But she got the distinct impression he had more to say.
She waited, but he didn’t add to his reply. Instead, he helped her into her coat, and they left the studio together.
* * *
After dinner, they were snuggling on the couch, the movie they had started forgotten in favor of tender kisses and soft touches.
He was on his back, Sabine sprawled on top of him when she looked down at him and asked a question he wasn’t prepared for.