Page 186 of Lost Track
They were tiny, little Dark Helmets.
And again, he caught an image of a would-be future where he was giving her Dark Helmet themed gifts for all their special days.
* * *
Dave had asked if she wanted to go look at Christmas lights. She’d never done that before.
They got in his Range Rover and were deep in a discussion about the ethical treatment of droids in the Star Wars universe when she realized they were pulling into the underground garage where Dave lived.
“Wait.” She turned sideways in the seat. “What are we doing here?”
He parked the car and turned off the engine before facing her. “I was wondering if you’d like to see where I live.”
She pressed a hand to her chest. “We don’t have to do that.”
“I know. But I want to.” His mouth tugged up on one side. “I have to give you your gift anyway.”
“What?” she said, confused.
He got out of the car and she did the same. She came around the back of the vehicle as he opened the back and removed a guitar case.
“You already gave me my gift,” she reminded him. He was being suspicious.
“I gave you one gift, yes. But I have one more.” He shot her a wink.
And her heart gave a little kitten purr.
Those winks were going to get her into a lot of trouble one of these days.
He transferred the guitar to the other hand and then reached for her. She took his hand and they walked quietly to the door of his condo.
It felt strange to think about how only two days ago, she’d been in the same place with a completely different mindset. It’s probably why she hesitated after he unlocked the door.
Becausethiswas what she wanted. She wanted him to lead her into his space and show her all the things about himself he didn’t show anyone else.
He stepped inside and turned back to her.
“You comin’?” he asked.
She knew he’d forgiven her. He hadn’t said the words exactly, and maybe that’s why she still felt unresolved.
He leaned a shoulder against the door jam and waited patiently.
Because of course he did.
It was another reminder of how poorly she’d handled the situation. When Max had suggested she come upstairs she should have said no. Instead, she’d jumped right on the opportunity to peek behind the curtain.
“I need to explain something,” she said, feeling brave and seizing the moment.
He tilted his head, concern in his eyes. But he didn’t try to stop her.
“I wasn’t trying to violate your privacy. When Max asked me to come up to your place, I got excited because…” She shrugged one shoulder and swallowed the uncomfortable lump in her throat. “Because I’m really,really,embarrassingly into you. Like…” She rubbed her fingers on her temple. Was she sweating? “Like, I am kind of obsessed. With you.”