Page 189 of Lost Track
He removed his wrist from her lips and wrapped his arm around her, drawing her close.
She hugged his arm with both of hers and hummed softly. “I love you.”
He kissed the top of her head.
“Do you want some wine?” he asked.
She chuckled and reveled in the freedom of laughing with him while also being naked with him.
She’d reached heaven on earth.
“Maybe some water first,” she said. “That was pretty athletic.”
She craned her neck up to smile at him and he was looking back at her with a saucy grin. “Tell me when you’ve recovered and we can go again.”
A laugh burst out of her and she rolled to her stomach so she could see him better. “You’re joking, right?”
He tugged a strand of her hair. “Not kidding. I’ve been in love with you for a while so I have a lot of ideas to work through.”
She shook her head knowing she was blushing from her breasts to her ears.
He chuckled and knifed up to kiss her again. Then he swung his legs out of the bed and put some sweatpants on.
“I’ll get you some water.”
She waited approximately two and a half seconds before she got out of the bed, wrapped the sheet around her, and joined him.
His eyes lit up when he saw her. He set the glass of water on the breakfast bar as she carefully slid onto a stool.
“I would like some pink wine, I’ll get you some,” he said, putting two glasses on the counter.
“You have pink wine?” she asked, lifting her eyebrows.
He smiled and pulled the bottle from the fridge. “I know you like it, so I made sure I got some in case I was ever brave enough to invite you over.”
And that settled the last lingering fear she had. He hadn’t invited her over because he felt pressured to do it. He had been planning it all along.
She’d just been too impatient.
Stupid Sabine. Rookie mistake.
Nope. No.
She wasn’t going to beat herself up about it after he’d forgiven her. They could move on.
And with his energy and creativity they could move on all night long.
“And you taught me that rosé is for when you’re feeling just a little bit fancy,” he said, pouring the glasses a little fuller than was proper but she wasn’t going to complain.
“I am so glad that lesson took.”
“You’re a very good teacher.” He gave her a bright smile as he handed her the glass.
She took a sip. “Speaking of, do you still want to get your GED?”
He narrowed his gaze at the inside of his glass as he swirled the wine. “Hmm. Ask me again later.”