Page 76 of Lost Track
“Listen,” Max broke into her thoughts. “I’ll share all the tea when I come over in the morning.” He stood and pocketed his phone. “Do you have a French press?”
“Uh, yeah. Yes. I do.” She blinked at him, hoping she appeared as chill as she had a moment ago.
“Have the coffee ready at five a.m.” Max lifted just his eyes to the bathroom door as it opened. “We willdiscuss.”
“Is it time to go already?” Dave asked, clapping his hands together.
“It is!” Max’s voice was bright and happy, and Sabine wondered how much Max hid from Dave about his true feelings. Then again, she did that with Kara too sometimes.
Was the codependency bad if both parties were happy with the outcome?
“I’m coming back in the morning to cook. You can sleep in.”
Dave nodded but when he looked at Sabine, she could swear he didn’t want to leave yet.
She didn’t want him to leave either but what could she do? Beg him to stay?
She could beg him to stay.
That would be weird.
She would just see him tomorrow.
And meet his mom tomorrow.
It was a good thing they weren’t romantically involved otherwise tomorrow would be incredibly stressful.
Good thing.
“Good Lord, woman! What possessed you to buy a thirty-pound turkey?”
“It’s twenty-seven pounds.”
“Does that make you feel better? Shaving off that three pounds as if it’ll somehow make this bird fit into your standard size oven.”
Sabine made a face. “Do you think anyone will notice if we just—” she shrugged her entire body— “don’t have a turkey?”
Max turned to face her. Probably so she could feel the full weight of his judgment.
“You wonder if they’ll notice there’s no turkey. On Thanksgiving.”
Her lips twitched, threatening to smile and spoil the fun she was having.
Normally Sabine wasn’t one to share her kitchen. She liked her space and “too many cooks” was a common phrase for a reason.
But Max’s intensity and attention to detail had her in stitches.