Page 88 of His Prize
I turn to Lorenzo and Sophie and lower the gun to my side. “Forgive me for that too,” I say to Sophie before walking toward the exit Paolo and Alex left from. I can feel Lorenzo behind me, but I don’t look back. Not until I see Alex, safe and sitting on a couch in the dressing room. Paolo stands by the door like he’s guarding her.
“Get him to a hospital,” I say to Lorenzo. He nods and turns to head back where he came from. I meet Paolo’s eyes. “You too.”
Paolo nods. “Yes sir.”
He leaves, and I step into the room, shutting the door behind me.
“A hospital?” Alex asks, standing. “Does that mean...?”
“He isn’t dead. He’ll need a cane, but he’ll live.”
Alex runs up and throws her arms around me. She cries onto my shirt. “I’m so tired of the fighting,” she says.
“It’s over now.”
“I was so afraid I would lose you.”
I run my hands up her back and pull away enough that I can look at her. “You will never lose me, Alex. I’m yours. Forever.”
She smiles and goes to kiss me, but I hold her back.
“But if you need to go… If you want to search for another life, you should do that. I will always be here waiting if you ever decide to come back.”
Her smile falls, and she reaches her hand up, just barely touching my face. “You don’t seriously believe I want that.”
“Maybe it would be better for you. You could—”
“I’mhome, Settimo. With you. You areeverythingI want. There is nothing else out there for me.”
My chest unwinds, and a sigh brushes my lips.
“I love you,” she whispers just before lifting onto her toes and kissing my lips. “I can’t wait to be your wife.” She kisses me again, deeply this time. She grips my shirt and presses herself into me, and I hold her tight while we kiss.
I’ll never let go.
Aknock sounds on the dressing room door, and I turn my head that way. I’ve been ready for the last half hour and haven’t been able to pry my eyes from the mirror until now. I’ve never been vain and spent most of my life dressing down my looks, but today I want to look beautiful. I want to watch my new husband’s eyes light up and laugh as I twirl in my flowing dress when we dance.
I look like a fucking princess, but I feel like a queen.
“Come in,” I yell, walking away from the mirror.
The door opens, and Settimo walks through, carrying our precious Anna in his arms. His eyes are pinched shut comically and he kicks in front of him to make sure they don’t run into anything.
I laugh at him and take Anna. “Hey sweet girl,” I coo and kiss her on the forehead. She’s six weeks old, to the day. Which happens to be the same day I can start having sex again. I can’t tell you what a baby Settimo has been from having to wait.
“Somebody wanted to see her mama.”
I smile down at her and melt when she finds the top of my dress and wraps her tiny fingers over the silk. Her eyes are closed, and she’s half asleep.
“Was she crying? Do you think she’s hungry?”
“Nah, I just fed her a bottle. She’ll probably sleep through the ceremony.”
“Well, that’s too bad. But don’t worry,” I gently tap her nose, “Mommy and Daddy will tape it for you.”