Page 46 of Vampire you Hate
“Flowers. I noticed the poppies matched your hair and I couldn’t resist. I know you said I shouldn’t keep buying these things, but—”
“You made that boy light up in joy and got me the loveliest thing in this square,” she finished, taking the poppies and smiling while she touched them to her nose. “You know, all these people here could use some cheering up….”
He hitched the basket higher and smirked, then plucked a rose and handed one to a passerby. “Free, sir. Have a happy night.”
The man took the rose appreciatively and handed it to his partner: another man who grinned and accepted it enthusiastically. They made the rounds until the basket was empty, then gave it to one of the musicians who was using a handkerchief for the coins tossed his way. A light feeling came over him when they left the space, even more so when she grabbed his hand.
“Are you up for one more adventure?”
Something in her voice spoke of anticipation, mystifying him. “Sure. Where?”
“We will see.”
The odd answer led them to an unfamiliar street, then to a path that was no longer cobblestones as she dragged him towards a winding road leading uphill. When they reached what looked like a forest of tall grass and bushes, she paused. Then she was walking again and pushing herself against the leaves. He gawked, then rushed after her despite not seeing anything beyond the greenery.
“Where are we going?”
“I don’t know,” she confessed. “But I eavesdropped and heard about this place yesterday. I want to keep going if you are up for it.”
There was hesitation in her voice, braced for him to say no and convince them to return to the main attractions. He raised a brow.
“Are you daring me, Alexa?”
Her eyes widened before the mischief returned. She pursed her lips. “Only if you are open to it.”
“I never do dares when the truth is much simpler,” he declared, then seized her close when she struggled with disappointment. “But I accept this one.”
She lit up. There was no other way to describe how much her face glowed when she realized he was doing this, then became shyer when he offered his hand. This time, they pushed through the bushes together, careful not to fall into traps and unseen holes and feeling like it was an endless venture. But a break came when the wind stirred over his left shoulder, and she picked up on it and sprinted.
“Be careful,” he warned. “There might be—”
She broke through the bushes first into a clearing filled with dead grass and naturally stacked rocks. They studied the bell tower that stood at the edge of the clearing. While the bricks were faded and it looked like no one had visited in years, there were telltale signs from the faded footsteps to the hand markings on the tower coasting up. Before she could back out, it was Edmund who grabbed the first marking and hitched himself up, throwing her a challenging look.
“Are you coming?”
She smirked and was on him in a second, following his footing as he climbed his way up. He held up a hand to stop her when he leaped to the top, testing its sturdiness before he approved. Then he gripped her arm and hurled her up, where she landed beside him with her claws locking on the ground.
“Unfair,” he mused, holding his sharp fingers up. “These just leave scratches.”
Alexa chuckled. “Some things in life just aren’t fair. Get used to it.”
Her face changed when they walked towards the edge of the bell tower facing the other end. He was sure that his did, too, as he surveyed the view and felt like he was being rewarded with a little slice of heaven.
From this high up, everything was visible: the city below, the sea beyond it, and the mountains that formed a circle over most of the elevated neighborhoods. His hands itched, already wishing he could capture it on paper, but he contented himself by taking in the scene as it was. A glance at Alexa told him that she was doing the same, frozen in rapture as she tried to wolf everything down with her eyes.
“Was it worth the risk of a possibly crumbling tower?” he asked.
“Was it worth the dare you would normally never take?” she shot back.
They grinned at each other, then eyed a thin platform over their heads. Without thinking twice, he was climbing that, too, then sitting with his legs dangling on the edge while the wind whipped his face. When she reached it, he tugged her close and positioned her against him, where she leaned against his chest as they continued watching the view.
“It was more than worth it,” he finally said.
And he had a feeling it was mostly because she was there with him.
Chapter 11
“Welcome to Sandy’s Bakeshop! Are you here to browse our available goods or pick up a…”