Page 49 of Vampire you Hate
The second male Fae hummed in varying tones until the woman was satisfied. They looked at each other with love, vast with a spark before they turned to her. It registered that these two were full Fae. When her instinct remained quiet, she shook her head.
“Your hair is perfect. I was thinking fur on the floor. Something huge and cozy to balance out the shine.”
“Like a rug?”
“No. Something better, I hope.” She locked eyes with Edmund. He had his on her the whole time, watchful now, body so still as if braced for her next words. It gave her a sense of purpose as she lifted her hands and started unbuttoning the top that he hadn’t been able to earlier. Presenting the five with her back, she shimmied off her pants, then her underwear. She basked in the way his features turned hooded, waiting for her next move, then finally let her fur out to cover the necessary parts.
“Oh, that was unexpected,” a voice crooned. “Are you able to shift fully?”
Alexa glanced at the Fae who had smiled at her and nodded. “If that’s what the artist wants.”
“You are perfect now,” was Edmund’s response, crossing over to her. His hands caressed her elbows, tingling the fur there. “Are you…?”
“Yes. Where do you want me?”
There was a reflective pause. Then he ushered her partially to the right, where she sprawled on the ground beside the cross-legged Fae. Within seconds, fingers feathered over her hair before retreating. Her body went cautious but not rigid.
“Can I touch your hair?” the woman finally asked.
“Sure.” She waited until she felt the fingers return, then waited some more for any whisper of energy to arise. None did. “I’m Alexa.”
“I’m Meriam. You are unusual for a shifter.”
“Most of your kind hurt us the moment they see us.”
There was caution in the tone, too, spoken from experience. Alexa risked a glance and, like the fingers, found a solemn expression and no hint of trying to weave magic.
“Is that why you are on a mission?”
“No.” A pause. “We just want to get away from a dark place. We are headed to a path of peace.”
A hand reached out and squeezed Meriam’s shoulder—the female Fae who had been silent the whole time. The quiet support system between the five made Alexa finally ease into a relaxed state, putting her fate into the connection she felt. She lay lower, rolling slightly. She trailed her focus towards Edmund, whose hands had gone busy flying over his pad.
“Is it better?” she asked.
“Don’t tell me it’s perfect.”
He shut his mouth, then visibly bit back a smile.
“It’s better,” was all he said, which made her want to smile, too. But she kept her placid expression as she watched him, leaned into Meriam’s fingers twirling her hair, and partially listened to the hum from the non-speaking male Fae.
Every time he flicked his gaze at her it felt like a brand wickedly touching her skin, then a balm that soothed. The push and pull tugged at her slumbering restlessness and caressed her system. Nothing extreme, but it felt like there was electricity collecting inside and waiting for its chance to uncoil.
“How is everyone?” he asked after a while.
“Good,” the male with blue-gray hair replied.
“Sleepy,” his female partner piped in.
Horny,called out her mind, but she pressed her lips together. Edmund nodded in acknowledgment.
“Just a few more,” he promised. “Alexa?”
There was a question there, understood when she read his waiting gaze. The patience in them told her that he would respect whatever decision she made…so she did the one that felt right. Within seconds, she had transformed into her bear form and rested her head on her paws, still watching him. But the hum restarted and glided in her until her eyelids felt heavy.