Page 54 of Vampire you Hate
Charlie’s mouth dropped open, then recovered swiftly. “Okay?”
“Yes. We can talk about the payment scheme next time so we can decide how you want it paid. Let me finish this for now, and it’s yours after.”
He turned back to the painting, feeling triumph flare at having one-upped the guy without causing harm. He had just finished the last corner when Alexa and Archie flew from the bedroom and gasped.
“Pretty!” Archie exclaimed, pointing at his finished piece.
“Yes, I agree,” Alexa said, more critical of her study. But her approval was even more rewarding. Freshly showered, Archie wriggled close to Edmund. “Charlie, the event?”
Charlie watched them, hesitating. “If you want me to stay…”
“No, go. We are fine. Come hang out when you are done.”
The encouragement from Alexa finally had Charlie leaving, but not without one last look in Edmund’s direction. This time, it didn’t reek of warning.
“What did you do?” Alexa asked, noticing it as well.
“Nothing.” Casually, he added. “I just sold him my painting.”
That had her flying to sit beside him and asking all kinds of questions, but he put a halt to it when he leaned over to press his mouth to hers. The kiss was short, sweet, and left him wanting more, but Archie prevented them from going further. She pushed against him and stood back up.
“I need to go, or I’m going to be late for work. They asked me to do some overtime. Just for today.”
“Can I stay with Uncle Edmund?”
“Archie, honey—”
“Yes. Can I stay with him, too?” Edmund asked, keeping it light. “I only have one meeting today and would rather take it here than at home. I can watch over him until you get back.”
“But the clan….”
“Please?” he and Archie said simultaneously, then grinned at each other. Alexa watched the interaction, stunned, then visibly melted under the plea.
“Fine. They are busy, anyway. I will be back soon.”
She kissed Archie on the forehead. Much to Edmund’s delight, she initiated the next kiss between them, just as brief as earlier but a milestone he was happy to take. They watched her leave in a hurry before he stood up, stretched his limbs, and opened the curtains to the sun going down. He set the painting aside to dry, then stored the rest of the materials back in place.
“Are you my mom’s mate?”
The box nearly fell from his hands at the question. He looked at Archie, who was eyeing him earnestly. The question hung in the air, riddled with nothing but curiosity and expectation. Lying didn’t feel right to this young boy, so Edmund swallowed the nerves and carefully searched for the right words.
“Mates are for two people so connected and deeper into their relationship. Your mother and I…we are going out. Dating. That means it’s still the start of the relationship, and we are getting to know each other.”
“I see.” Archie nodded. Knowledge glinted in his features. “Is that what it means when Uncle Charlie says that he and his friend are getting to know each other? Do they also sleep in the same bed and kiss?”
If Edmund was drinking something, he was pretty sure he would have choked. He choked on laughter instead, then hid it with a placid expression as he met the boy’s solemn scrutiny.
“It’s a different definition for everyone. For your uncle, it could mean that they are becoming closer friends and he likes her. For others, it could mean that…”
“They are husband and wife?”
“Yes, yes. But our definition is the one I explained to you.”
“I see.”
Archie settled with it, content. But the idea of calling Alexa his wife sent a sizzling sensation deep in his bones, and it took Edmund a while to get over it. When he did, it was time for the meeting, so he found a quiet corner where he could still watch over Archie and took the call. It was pleasantries and a little hard balling from there, coupled with polite laughter over the lamest jokes from a new client. Then it turned to another topic altogether.