Page 74 of Vampire you Hate
He drank some more, then led her from the table and to the middle of the street, where glitter followed his wake and formed a ring around them. She pretended to lose her footing and land on Duncan’s chest, her toes touching the glitter. The lack of barrier gave her intense relief, and she channeled it into a grin as he helped her up.
“I didn’t know you were clumsy.”
“I have my moments.” She giggled to prove her point, then allowed him to lead her into an intimate dance. They swung on the empty road, where the world disappeared as he weaved a romantic atmosphere just for the two of them. He watched her watch him, then leaned his head, going for what she dreaded the most.
She accepted the kiss, anyway, opening her mouth when he urged her to and responding to the kiss like she was waiting for it. She sighed and moaned. She made all the appropriate noises that had him hardening and shoved down the raring intensity to scream out of disgust inside her, soldiering through it like a woman with a mission. When his tongue skimmed out, she startled and broke the kiss, then clutched him tight to keep him close.
“Wait, hold on. I want to tell you something. Something important.”
“We still have the spark.” Duncan chuckled, breathing erratically. “Go ahead, baby. Tell me. I know what you want to tell me, but I would like to hear it, anyway.”
She pushed him playfully and watched him sway—the first sign of the first effect of their special beer. Duncan blinked as if to steady himself, then frowned when his eyes turned cloudy. She pulled him back with force, still heavily playful, and stood on tiptoe to whisper in his ear.
“Duncan…don’t ever call my son a weapon again.”
She lifted her knee and hit him with all her might. She felt the glitter growing heavy around them, but so was the sheen that belonged to someone else. When Duncan let her go, she dove out of the ring and landed on all fours on the pavement outside, rejoicing when a slamming sound followed but Duncan remained inside. Seconds later, Charlie and Daria blinked into visibility, letting go of each other as they ran towards her. Power sang from Daria’s fingertips, her blindness not deterring her from hitting her target.
“We did it,” Alexa exclaimed, still in disbelief.
That was when the pain hit her in the abdomen and took her down.
Chapter 18
They argued like the world's salvation depended on their answers, and Edmund watched on helplessly as it escalated in volume.
“We have something you don’t,” the female Fae with the shiny violet hair from one of his earlier painting sessions announced, lifting her chin and staring haughtily at the others.
“What do you have that we don’t?” the male Fae with the cloud of blue-gray hair countered, folding his arms. The former smirked.
“We have tons of appeal and the ability to withstand whatever problem is thrown our way. And wedon’trun away too easily.”
Meriam scoffed, eyes glittering with contempt. “Let’s see you say the same under a harsh thumb. You lot are so smug when you have never experienced suffering.”
“And that’s exactly the point. We are not going to experience it.”
“How arrogant!”
“Better to be arrogant than to be a loser.”
Energy trembled out, ready to be unleashed. Edmund cleared his throat, loud enough to stop the chaos and render all attention on him. Even Isabella watched on in curiosity at how he was going to handle it, but he ignored her and kept his gaze where it was most needed.
“You are both brave groups for answering my call and volunteering in the search, and I commend you for that.”
“Of course,” Meriam said promptly, hand on her chest. “This is Alexa that we are talking about. We like her.”
“We met her first,” the other group announced.
Isabella sighed. Perhaps it was good that Billy wasn’t there to make fun of them, but Edmund was getting tired of the pettiness, too, and decided enough was enough. He nudged down the instinct to scold and went for fluttering lashes and a mournful look.
“Please, it breaks my heart when I see all this fighting after seeing such beautiful serenity when I painted you with my own hands. Can’t you get along until it’s time to part, and just focus on helping me find the love of my life’s son?”
The declaration had a few Fae sighing dreamily, then quickening their steps as they perused the maps in their hands. Isabella stayed at the back with Edmund and nudged his elbow.
“Good work.” She tilted her head. “You are a changed man, Edmund.”
“Partly. But I am mostly the same person. You just didn’t see the real me.”
Her eyes widened, and her mouth parted in surprise. Then she nodded grudgingly.