Page 11 of Cameron
The Dean’s words echoed in my ears as I stampeded out of his office.
We understand your frustration, and we can assure you we’ll investigate the matter thoroughly, Miss Delaney. However, without enough witnesses, there’s so much we can do. If you prefer to get the police involved for better results, we’d be happy to assist you further.
The police? The ones who set the murderer of my sister free on the same day he was arrested? Or the ones who protected the business of gangs like The Night Skulls for their benefit?
Even if the police could bring me justice this time, the Dean was saying it as a threat not as a viable option to consider. As if he was saying Samuel didn’t press charges, and I’d better do the same.
What had I expected anyway? I was so stupid to think for a second he would behave differently. On days like these, it seemed that Dusty’s logic was the only kind that made sense.
I left school on foot, still figuring out what to do about the bike. Wandering outside the gates, I found a Harley by the curb, a man with a gray beard on top of it, the patch on the back of his cut unmistakable.
The Night Fucking Skulls.
He got off his bike when he saw me, and I got a closer look at him. Big, tattooed and familiar. The helmet and sunglasses hid most of his face, but I recognized him.
Rush, Dusty’s VP.
I strode over to him. “What’s wrong? Is Dusty all right?”
He crossed his arms over his chest, the flexing muscles making him look even bigger, and leaned his back on the bike. “He’s fine.”
“Then what are you doing here?” I studied his face suspiciously. His tone, despite being calm and nonchalant, triggered an invisible alarm in me. “Are you following me?”
“Only following orders. He sent me here to keep an eye on you.”
“Well, tell him I’m fine. I don’t need a bodyguard. As you can see I’m capable of staying in one piece on my own.”
His head lowered, and I assumed he was looking at my hand. “What happened here?”
“Nothing serious.”
He grunted. “And where’s your ride?”
I groped for a palpable lie. If I told him the truth, he’d tell Dusty. This time, Dusty would kill somebody for real. “Didn’t feel like riding today.”
“I see.” He straightened up and gestured for me to get on his bike. “How about I give you a ride home?”
That was an intriguing offer since I didn’t have one anymore. I took a couple of steps forward, but that invisible alarm in me blew in my head. For some reason, I thought about Annie and how she had been abducted.
On a bike just like this one. By a Night Skull like the one standing before me. His former president to be exact. This situation was completely different, but somehow it felt the same.
I stepped back. “I’ll pass.”
“C’mon, Dusty is gonna kill me if he knows I let you go alone like that.”
“He knows I can take care of myself. Thanks for offering anyway.” I wheeled away as fast as I could.
I wish I could stay here and be the leader of the family you love so much. Sorry to disappoint you, but I’ve made up my mind. I’m going to SLO to be with Cammie. I love her. She’s the only person that’s keeping me sane in this mess.
Don’t worry. Even though my time here is done, my successor, whoever he’ll be, is going to protect you as if I was here and never left.