Page 56 of Cameron
I glanced at the monitor behind the bar. Our two SUVs were entering through the gate. I downed the last of my tequila shots and strode to the front yard.
The tires squealed on a brake, and Skid jumped off the driver’s seat. “Ginger, get Owl. Prez, help me out.”
I strode toward him. “What the fuck happened? Where is Cameron?”
“Claws is hurt.”
My eyes widened as my feet flew toward the car. I almost dislocated the door to the backseat. Cammie’s face was covered in blood, her good hand pressed on her bleeding shoulder, a t-shirt tied roughly around her calf.
“Don’t give me that look. I’m all right,” she said slowly, her eyes barely open.
I carried her in my arms and ran to the house, screaming, “Who the fuck did this?!”
Owl sprang from the door. “Put her on the kitchen counter.”
One of the girls cleared the counter, pushing everything aside. I set Cammie down, my heart ringing in my ear. Her eyes were closing, and I started to panic. “Baby, baby, stay with me.”
Owl removed her hand from her shoulder and swore. “Put your hand there. Keep pressure on it,” he told me as he untied the t-shirt on her leg. He swore again. “I’m going to have to take the bullets out and stitch her up here. Hold her still while I get my bag and scrub my hands.”
“Hurry up. She’s gonna pass out.”
“I need her to pass out.”
Skid rushed inside. “How is she?”
“How the fuck did she get shot twice while you fuckers don’t have a fucking scratch?!” I bellowed.
“Sorry, Prez. It’s Beth. She was fast with the gun.”
My heart skipped a beat. “Beth?”
He nodded. “Big Gun is taking her to the Boiler.”
I glanced down at Cammie’s face. A pale smile stretched on her lips “We got her.”
Waves of emotions hit me all at once. They all contradicted each other. Victory. Anticipation. Relieve. Rage. Sadness. Guilt.
I kept waiting for this moment, but when it finally came, I realized I wasn’t truly prepared for it.
I coerced Owl to pump a shit load of painkillers in my veins after he patched me up. I wasn’t going to wait till morning to pay that bitch my long-awaited visit.
Dusty begged me to rest. I ignored him, of course, and limbed out of the house. He accompanied me to the Boiler, every step an unspoken word.
“All this time she’d been with the Esqueletos Nomads,” I said.
He took a deep breath and exhaled it. “Fuck.”
“Yeah. Wrench had nothing to do with her. She was hiding under our noses like you said. You might be right about Cosimo, too. Esqueletos are a Mexican cartel club. They could be the ones who have been lacing the drugs.” I wouldn’t be surprised if Beth had been working with the Lanza traitor whoever he was to retaliate on Cosimo for backing Dusty when he wanted to leave. She betrayed Dusty and Roar before. It wouldn’t have been hard for her to betray her friend as well. “But why? How did that aid her plan with Rush?”
“It’s what we’re about to know.”
“Do you think she’ll speak?”