Page 2 of Before the Storm
Jae leaned close, and his voice dropped to an even quieter whisper than he’d used before. “See the woman in line for the check-in desk? Backpack, hair in a messy braid? That’s Audrey Kendrick. She’s ONP’s park archaeologist.”
Xavier took in the woman he’d noted earlier. She was at the front of the line now, with her back to them both. “Park archaeologist?” That at least explained the dirt.
Jae nodded. “Yeah. Her job matters to you because the lodge is historic and surrounded by archaeological sites. Historic and cultural resources will likely have more bearing than the environmental issues for your training. Odds are, Audrey will be the one to have final say over your permit.”
“We’ve had similar issues for trainings in state parks with the State Historic Preservation Officer,” Xavier said. “You think Audrey will object?”
“Hard to say. She cares deeply about cultural resources, but she’s reasonable. I think as long as you make sure to highlight how you plan to protect historic and archaeological resources, you have a good shot.”
He needed more than a good shot. He needed a sure thing.
Xavier alternated between watching her and scanning the room. Situational awareness was a habit he couldn’t break. Given that he was here to scout a location for a top-secret SEAL exercise, it was important he remain on guard for anyone paying undue interest in him. He and Jae were both in their civvies, looking for all the world like two tourists, here for a weekend of hiking and kayaking amongst the fall colors of the remote Olympic Peninsula park.
The park archaeologist stepped away from the registration counter and turned to scan the room, her expression weary.
Again, he couldn’t help but notice she was attractive with her broad cheeks and lightly freckled skin. She looked tired. Not like she’d just finished a short, hard workout, but like she’d just endured a long day of physical labor.
He’d always found that kind of stamina appealing, and the dirt on her skin and clothes added a rugged air. This woman wasn’t afraid to get dirty.
As an avid outdoorsman who enjoyed camping, hiking, rock climbing, white-water rafting, and whatever else he could find to keep himself outdoors, he’d always been drawn to women who shared those interests. For all he knew, she liked none of those things—she could just be dirty after a day of digging—but still, she looked like a hiker. And that was always a turn-on for him.
But then, he hadn’t dated or even attempted a random hookup since Lynn dumped him, so he tended to get turned on by a stiff breeze these days. Eighteen months was a long time to go without.
The woman spotted Jae, and her face lit up like a firework. Damn. That made her even more appealing, but she obviously had the hots for his friend. Grinning broadly, she made a beeline for their table in the middle of the room.
“There something between you two?” Xavier asked in a whisper.
“Nope. Just close friends and colleagues.”
The look on her face argued otherwise, but oh well. None of his business. “We can’t discuss why I’m here.”
Jae nodded. “I know.”
Xavier had been granted special permission to discuss the exercise with Jae, as the ranger had triggered Xavier’s notice of the lodge as a potential practice ground in the first place, but until the thirty-day comment period began with official notification to the park and inholding landowners, no one else outside the Navy could know about the proposed action.
The archaeologist reached their table. Up close, she was even grubbier and more attractive. Who knew he had such a thing for dirt?
Both he and Jae stood to greet her. Jae kissed her cheek and turned to introduce Xavier, but before he could speak, she said, “Jae, my dearest, bestest friend, I will name my firstborn child after you if you have a room and will let me use your shower.”
Jae smiled—his real smile, which included dimples that, back in high school, all the girls had swooned over. “Wish I could help you, Aud, but I don’t have a room. Heading back to Port Angeles in a few.”
She frowned and let out a heavy sigh, the light and joy on her face extinguished. “Bummer.” She turned to meet Xavier’s gaze. “Sorry for interrupting. I’ll let you two enjoy your beers.”
He should let her walk away. After all, talking to her before the proposal was submitted could be a mistake. A conflict of interest, even. But still, he found himself saying, “Join us. Please.” He waved at the empty chair at their small table.
“Audrey Kendrick,” Jae said, “this is Xavier Rivera, an old friend.”
“Xavier, with a Z or an X?” she asked as he took her offered hand in both of his.
Her fingers were rough, and he guessed she’d been digging today. His sex-starved brain couldn’t help but flash on an image of her roughened hands on his bare skin, and he had to force himself to remember her question as he willed his cock to stay down.
“With an X,” he said, “but notEx-zavier. Just the Z sound.” Sometimes, for simplicity, he wished his parents had gone with the original plan and named him Javier, but having a name that began with X had more benefits than the occasional mispronunciation. It wasn’t dimples like Jae had, but in high school, chicks had dug his name. And in the Navy, there was no end to the badass nicknames he’d been given.
“Nice to meet you,” she said. “I should go. I don’t want to intrude. Plus, I’m Pigpen from thePeanutscomics, a cloud of dirt billowing around me.”
“Nonsense,” Jae said. “Sit.”
“Please,” Xavier added. “Jae was just telling me you’re the ONP archaeologist, which might be the coolest job I’ve never heard of before. I didn’t know national parks have a designated archaeologist.”