Page 5 of Before the Storm
Jae whispered something in her ear and she looked at him in surprise, but then shook her head. “You’re imagining things. I’m Pigpen. Remember?”
“Just remember I warned you.” He waved and walked off.
“Warned you about what?” Xavier asked, afraid he knew the answer.
“That you don’t do relationships. As if you’d be interested in my dirty, sweaty, grimy self.”
He paused before he responded, irritated with Jae’s unchecked honesty, but also not wanting her self-assessment to go unchallenged. Finally, he settled on “Jae’s right about me, and you’re wrong about you.” Before she could respond, he added, “Would you care to have dinner with me, or do you only want me for my shower?”
She laughed. “Dinner would be lovely, but frankly, I’d prefer taking the shower first. I’m far too grimy and sweaty to relax in the Ford dining room. It’s one thing to hang out in the rustic Olympus great room and have a beer, but I’ll eat protein bars for dinner before I enter the formal, historic dining room like this.”
“Let’s get you up to my room, then. I’ll see if I can get us a reservation for later.”
“I need to run to my truck. I’ll meet you upstairs. Room number?”
“Three twenty-four.”
She cocked her head. “The honeymoon suite.”
He nodded, not surprised she knew the number of the best room in the hotel. Was she thinking about how the suite had a large private balcony that overlooked the lake? Or that the bathroom included a deep spa tub in addition to a separate shower stall? Because he sure as hell had been thinking of her in that tub.
And then there was the river-rock gas fireplace. He imagined her spread out in the firelight as he went down on her.
Damn. He needed to rein himself in. His fantasies had gotten out of hand.
“Are you here celebrating a special occasion?” she asked.
He shook his head. “My trip was last minute. The suite was the only room available, and that was thanks to a cancellation. I got here yesterday, though—so it wasn’t your room.”
She chuckled. “No worries. My per diem doesn’t cover the bridal suite. I’d reserved one of the boathouse rooms.” After a pause she added, “If it was last minute, why stay here when Jae lives in Port Angeles?”
He gave her a casual shrug, having been asked the one question he’d hoped to avoid. “I found myself with a couple of days off and a hankering to see the beautiful lodge Jae has been telling me about for years.”
He couldn’t tell if she believed him, but then, he’d been cagey about his job. If it hadn’t been for Jae vouching for him, he doubted she’d trust him at all.
He thought about his private balcony, and impulse made him make another offer. “Listen, the dining room is probably packed.” He glanced at his watch. “By the time you’re showered, it will be peak dinner hour and we aren’t likely to get a table. I’d originally planned to order room service and eat on the balcony. Would you be open to that? If it’s too windy, there’s a table inside the suite.”
She stared at him for a long moment, then gave him a slow smile. “I’d like that.”
He grabbed a menu from the host desk. They placed their order with the hostess, then he took her backpack, careful to drape it over his good shoulder. He cocked his head as they passed the arched entryway. “You need to grab something from your truck?”
She shook her head. “I was going to get my other bag—with nicer clothes if we went to the restaurant—but I’ve got the basics in my dig kit’s overnight bag. And I promise they’re clean.”
He chuckled and winked at her. “Sometimes dirty is fun.”
Her eyes lit with heat, and she drifted closer to him as they ascended the large curved staircase. Two flights later they reached the top-floor bridal suite.
“I really can’t thank you enough for letting me borrow your shower,” she said as he swiped his card in the lock.
“Glad I can help you out. It’s going to take a while for dinner to be delivered. Take a bath if you want.” He’d sit on the balcony and let the chill wind cool the erection that was sure to come as he thought about her in the jetted tub.
She disappeared into the large bathroom.
He went to the gift basket for newlyweds that came with the room and selected the bottle of pinot noir from the assortment of crackers, spreads, chocolates, and dried fruits. He poured two glasses, marveling at the notion he was off the clock and there was a beautiful woman in his shower.
This rush of…interest? Anticipation?They were things he hadn’t felt in so long. He hadn’t even known he’d missed it. But then some emotions had gone dormant after he’d been shot eighteen months ago.
He couldn’t complain. He’d been lucky. He’d never be sent on a SEAL op again, but he was still breathing. His four-person Fire Team had lost two men. The op had been a shit show from start to finish.