Page 62 of Haunted Tides
“Yes,” I said. “Rose doesn’t play around.”
“No, she doesn’t,” he agreed. His hands were wringing together until I put mine on his to stop him.
“Hey, you know you can always talk to me, Sully,” I said gently. At this point I was genuinely worried about what he was about to say.
“The Polterguys offered for me to come back with them. They’ve got an extra room in the house they bought and they want me to stay with their team for a bit. Troy and I worked well together, and it felt good, you know? Like I made a difference. And after that conversation with Malik…” he trailed off. Our eyes met and we were close enough I knew he could see me.
“Sully, if you want to go with them you should do it. You guys have awesome chemistry and their life is a bit less… chaotic than ours.”
He laughed at that. “They said the same thing. If I wanted to keep investigating, they also said they could ease me into the lifestyle a bit more gently. But I don’t want to peace out on you guys after you’ve done so much for me. This trip changed me. Honestly, it saved me.”
“Sully, we are always willing to have you come along, but this sounds like a better fit for you. I can hear it in your voice and I support you completely,” I promised. “They’re great guys.”
“They’re only an hour away from our mansion,” Ben told him. “So anytime you need a weekend away you know where to find us.”
That relaxed him even more. “Thank you, that’s honestly comforting.”
He started chewing on his bottom lip. There had to be more than this.
“What else?” I demanded playfully.
“They’re together… like you are,” he pointed out. “I don’t want to be just another fourth wheel.”
“I’m sorry if we made you feel like that,” Ethan said with a wince. “We’re so used to being just us we probably were too forward. Sorry.”
“No, no,” he argued. “That’s not what I meant. I loved being here and giving you shit for being too lovey-dovey, but this isn’t my group. You know? But I’m scared they aren’t either.”
“You like them?” I asked, realizing where his head was out.
“I think I could,” he admitted. “That chemistry is backed by attraction. But what if it’s one-sided?”
“Then you change plans,” I said simply. “But I’d take Rose’s word and give it a shot. You’ve always got a home with us. No matter what.”
“Dammit, you guys,” he growled. “Stop making me feel all gross and sappy.” That cut the intensity of the moment and we all cracked up.
“Come on,” Lincoln said. “We have tools to buy. This ordeal is almost over.”
“You think he’s going to let us just walk up there with that rune?” Ryker asked. “I’m afraid someone is still going to get hurt.”
“We have to try regardless,” Sully said. “Otherwise we definitely will get hurt. Or someone else will.”
“Good point,” Ryker said. We left the inn and headed down the street. I could still see the campfire roaring in the distance and the sound of the festival going strong. My blood boiled at the pure ignorance here. We could rune it to protect them all, but they would likely continue this dangerous tradition regardless of anything we said or did. There would always be activity on these shores and it was their own damn fault. I just hoped the rune would keep the darker spirits away so the town could thrive.
After grabbing a chisel kit from the hardware store, which was a surprising find on its own, we hurried to meet back up with the Polterguys at the lighthouse.
“You get the email, Ben?” I asked as Lincoln unpacked the chisel.
“I do,” he answered. “Who has the skill to do this?”
“I can,” Adam offered. “It’s not the same but I’ve done wood burning and sculpture work before.”
“Sounds like an expert to me,” Ben said, tossing his phone over. “It has to be precise.”
“No pressure,” he joked nervously. “Keep me safe. I have a feeling until this is in place he’ll try to stop us.”
We all formed a circle of protection around him but the night was quiet. The sound of his chisel chipping away at the stone and the crash of waves were the only sound outside of the still booming festival. It seemed they’d gotten their lights back again and the Ferris wheel was turning again.
“He’s here,” Sully said. “Straight ahead.” I couldn’t see the spirit but I could feel him. The temperature dropped rapidly until I could see my breath.