Page 31 of Reject
The woman was restless in sleep, and I went to her whenever she cried out. My presence seemed to calm her, and the more I studied her, the more familiar she seemed. Yet I couldn’t place her for the life of me. It wasn’t like I knew many people in this area, I’d run here and kept to myself when I was free.
The cries outside this room continued for hours as I shivered on the cold stone floor. When they finally quieted and the darkness started to fade, morning light filtered in through the window. I slipped out, knowing it was now or stay and get caught. The demons in the hall ignored me as I passed. They were fleeing in the opposite direction as if their asses were on fire. Their reign of terror was ending for another night, the day approaching swiftly.
The stairs were less treacherous now that I was dry, and I wound my way down them toward my own room. The third-floor stairwell was right outside the nurses’ station, and I opened the door, peering through the crack as I did so, praying to whatever gods were listening that it wouldn’t alert the staff. The night nurse was asleep at the desk, and I crept past, grateful for that one small miracle in a night full of hellish nightmares. Though, the thought she’d been knocked out by a demon did occur to me.
My hand rested on my doorknob but I couldn’t get my fingers to cooperate in order to open it. After this night, I needed rest and safety, and there was only one person, or two rather, that could offer that.
Before I could overthink it, I slipped down the hall to Hiro’s room. I pushed it open and let out a relieved breath at the lack of a demon intruder. I knocked softly and he blinked his eyes open, confusion coloring his expression before panic took over at the sight of me covered in dirt and wearing damp clothes. Not to mention the dark circles that likely stood out on my pale face.
“Harlow, what happened?”
I shook my head and tears started to fall.
“Can I stay with you, Hiro?” I pleaded. He didn’t hesitate to scramble out of bed and grab me a pair of boxers and a shirt, handing them over and closing his door. He turned his back while I slid into dry clothes. “It’s safe.”
He turned and held out a hand for me. I didn’t even hesitate to put mine in his and let him pull me into his bed. The sweet man didn’t demand answers from me like Drake or Monty would have, or hell, even Roman, instead, he snuggled me closer and sang a soft, sweet song as he rubbed feeling back into my ice-cold arms. Goose bumps lined my skin, and each stroke of his warm hands had them fading. For the first time in my life, I felt truly cared for. Beyond that, just being here with Hiro was nice. He was easily becoming a safe space for me. And despite what I’d told Crew, I couldn’t help but wish Hiro was mine.
Exhaustion started to pull me under, and I dreaded sleep after a night like I’d had. Yet Hiro’s touch and warmth was enough to lull me into that darkness anyway.
I was safe, at least for now.
* * *
Early Thursday Morning
Hiro’s Room
Harlow finally stopped shakingbut sleep was the furthest thing from my mind. She’d shown up like a fallen angel, beautiful despite being soaked and covered in dirt as if she’d fallen from the heavens like the rain.
She didn’t seem in the mood to talk, and to my surprise, I didn’t feel Roman take over. For once I was the protector, holding her like she needed and warming her when she couldn’t warm herself.
It felt amazing.
Yet my mind couldn’t stop conjuring different scenarios that had left her in this state. What had happened to cover her in water and dirt in the early morning? The sun was just coming up through the barred window of my room. If I had to wager a guess, it was just past five in the morning. For a brief moment, I wondered if Nurse Drew would find us here, but I pushed it away, shocked at my lack of care. All that mattered now was Harlow and that she needed me. I was rarely needed by anyone, and it felt nice.
But in the end, it didn’t matter. Because out of everyone in her life right now, she came to me when she was in trouble. Knew she needed me. It was strange to find the good in such a startling situation, to not run from it, but I knew I could never run from her. Harlow was different, and I wanted to protect her with everything I had. Which in reality wasn’t much, but for her, it seemed to be enough. That was what mattered.
As she breathed evenly beside me, I reached for the journal that rested by my bed, flipping it open and propping it on my bed behind her as I curled around her, writing to Roman about the incident. He needed to know this, but I would have shared even if he didn’t. We journaled every day we spent as ourselves, keeping it detailed so we missed nothing.
Including our thoughts on Harlow. He’d told me how she felt, that she worried and downplayed her worth. Even admitted to kissing her on the forehead. I was jealous of his cool confidence until now. It was always obvious why Roman handled some situations and I handled others. He was stronger, always had been. I couldn’t imagine life without him, and even the thought had my chest aching. Sure, life with DID wasn’t easy, but the thought of life alone in my body felt wrong.
But this moment, I had newfound confidence welling inside me. Not only did she want me, but it was obvious that she needed me for my gentleness and Roman for his own brand of honesty and compassion. He’d mentioned Drake, and that was a whole other complication. I didn’t mind the thought of her finding solace in us all, if they made her happy then I would never deny her that, but with Drake, there was more involved.
He had always intrigued and terrified me. His fierceness was sexy, and I had never admitted to anyone, even Roman, my attraction to the other man. But then his anger would flare and it would shut me right down. How could I put that into words? Such a conflicting thought was confusing enough without it becoming a reality.
It started with a dream. One that involved his mouth on me, dominating me with his sharp tone and a hunger only Drake could produce. He’d whispered dirty words in my ear as he took me from behind. It was so vivid, so real, that I never was able to truly shake it.
But when I was awake, my inner demons won. Reminders of Vane creeping back in. I hated that it was an equally as powerful memory. I’d only endured moments of it before I shut down and Roman took over. Yet those few moments had stuck with me, haunting me incessantly with no end in sight. Roman could save me from a lot, but not the demons that lived in my own mind.
I finished my note and tossed it aside, finally snuggling back into her. She let out a soft breath and whispered my name. There was a fear there as she sought me out but she wasn’t fully awake.
“I’m here,” I whispered, brushing her hair out of her face and settling her into my side. She sighed and breathed in deeply before slipping back under. “I’ve got you.”
For now, at least.