Page 54 of Reject
Tuesday Afternoon
The Halls of Dark Haven
Chaos had descended on Dark Haven. As we wandered our way through the halls and up to the first floor, the shaking didn’t stop. It felt like an earthquake, but from the demon howls that filled the halls, I knew it was not a natural occurrence.
The closer we got to the patient accessible hallways, the harder it was to move. Demons filled the halls and we all huddled into each other to avoid them. I was sandwiched so intensely between Drake and Roman that I could barely walk.
“What the fuck is going on? What are these things? Other demons? Tell me I’m not the only one seeing this?!” Crew breathed out as he clutched Layne’s hand in his, making sure she wasn’t yanked away. From the shrill tone to his voice he was terrified, and I couldn't blame him.
“I see them too,” Layne whispered as one leaned in close to grin widely at her.
“They’re demons,” I confirmed. “From Helheim.” They already knew what Drake was, but seeing all of the demons in the halls was a very different thing. They weren’t muted versions of demons like Drake but towering, twisted figures made of bone, shadow, and flames. I couldn’t blame them for panicking, I’ve seen them countless times and they still got to me.
“What the fuck is Helheim?” Crew bit out. I’d never seen him snap but I could sympathize. I also thought I was losing my mind... or rather it was a product of my already fucked-up mind.
Roman chuckled but it held little humor. “Norse afterlife. It’s not just a myth anymore.”
“Great,” Layne said in a pseudo-cheerful tone that bordered on hysterical. But there was no time for more explanations as another ground-shaking rumble had us pitching to the floor.
“There’s a portal under the courtyard,” Drake said as he pulled himself up and led the way to the courtyard door.
“Portal to Helheim?” I questioned as we followed him. “What, how? And why are we headingtoit?”
“Why do you think they’re confined to the halls here?” he shot back, pausing before shoving the door open. He didn’t answer my other question, as if he were being forced to go to the portal. The real question was why we were following him to it. Though curiosity kept me from saying those thoughts out loud. “The deal with Vane was to keep peace and allow Hel’s demons to feed here. With the portal so near, they can’t leave the halls or survive outside of Dark Haven. Though, with it being thrown open, who knows now. I also don’t know why that deal with Vane started or what they did before, but it feels an awful lot like she’s strengthening her army. And whatever we’re about to see? It isn’t going to be pretty.”
With that not-so-optimistic comment, he shoved the door open and we stepped outside. Hundreds of demons were pouring out of a fissure in the ground. The earth was cracked wide open, and underneath, flames and shadows swirled together violently. Monty was among the crowd of demons but from the way he slammed magic into demon after demon, forcing them into the fissure, he wasn’t the one who let them through. He didn’t even glance our way this time and I had to remind myself that he knew what he was doing before I raced over to him to help. Monty was capable of keeping himself safe, I’d only get in the way.
“Holy shit!” Layne gasped. Crew slapped a hand over her mouth but it was too late. All at once every demon turned our way and took in a collective breath.
“Oh god, run!” Drake yelled, truly panicked as they started running at us.
“Where to?” Roman growled as he pulled me with him back inside, almost taking out Layne who for once didn’t counter with snark. We’re all genuinely terrified and running for our lives.
“The library?” I hissed, not wanting to be overheard. “Layne? Do you know the way?”
“Second floor, east wing, through the storage room,” she answered just as quietly. “But I wouldn’t take the elevator with these tremors.”
“Good point,” Drake offered. She looked taken aback by the compliment, and in any other situation, it might have been funny.
By the time we got to the second floor, I was out of breath but afraid to stop running. Demons were spilling up to the upper floors already, and the chances of us going unseen were slim.
“Quiet,” Roman warned, pointing down the hall where a single demon was prowling. Layne took the lead and opened the closest door, urging us inside and shutting it behind us. I’d expected a tiny storage room but this was twice the size of my room. It was filled with shelves of linens and medical supplies that all had seen better days. From the layer of dust coating it all, it hadn’t been used in a very long time.
“Back here,” she said, disappearing between two full linen shelves. The door was half hidden but she shoved it open, revealing a high-ceiling library that was covered in dust.
“Ivar!” Drake yelled, and when he didn’t come, he turned to me pointedly.
“Monty! Help!” I called out, hoping that the demon in the hall couldn’t hear us with how our voices echoed in here. At least we’d closed the door and Roman and Drake barred it with a table.
He popped in immediately, looking around for the threat. He was breathing hard, which wasn’t surprising since we’d literally yanked him from battle. “What is it, little human? They know not to touch you.”
“And you still think they only follow your orders?” Drake demanded. “Ward this room against them like you did her room.”
“I don’t follow your orders half breed,” he spit out, but I wasn’t having any of his elitist bullshit.