Page 13 of A Touch of Lust
“What?” I asked, taken aback.
“Zach and I are getting married. Am I weak? Have I lost myself?” She threw back her hair, her auburn ponytail bouncing.
She had a point. “No,” I muttered.
She didn’t say anything, just looked at me accusingly.
“Ok, ok, you have a point.” I slumped in my seat.
“Mmhmm...I didn’t push you before because I never thought you found anyone that was worthy of you, Alex. But Paul is different. I saw the way he looked at you at our party, the way he watched you when you weren’t looking. He’s totally smitten with you.”
“Really?” I perked up.
“Yes, really! He couldn’t take his eyes off you all night. And it wasn’t in a creepy, stalker way like Will would do with you. There was nothing but love and desire in his eyes for you. Being with someone that feels like that about you is wonderful. There’s nothing like it. You feel loved, cherished and protected. I think you’d experience all that with Paul, more even.”
“But I left him the other night. He’s probably furious.” Why had I done that? My eyes filled with tears as I thought about the way Paul looked, sleeping so soundly in his bed as I dressed and snuck out of his house.
“Has he tried to contact you at all?” She reached across the table to touch my hand in comfort.
I shook my head, “No. Nothing.” If hedidfeel the way Steph said he did, why hadn’t he tried to call me?
“Well, in his defense, he probably thought he totally scared you off and didn’t want to make it worse. I mean, you’re the one that left without a word. Did you ever tell him these fears you have about being in a relationship?”
“We never really talked about it. I guess I should’ve. Things just kinda moved there before I had a chance.”
“Yes, you should’ve. Now are you going to come to the club tonight with us or not?”
“Ok, ok. Twist my arm. I should probably talk to Paul anyway, if for no other reason than to apologize.” Hopefully he will talk to me.
“Right. Something tells me he’ll forgive you. Zach saw him at the club the other night and said he was walking around like his puppy died, just sulking in the corner with his drink.”
I couldn’t help but laugh. The thought of Paul moping around like a lovesick teenager cracked me up. “Let’s hope so.”
* * *
It wasa busy Friday night at the club and Stephanie and I had just gotten off the dance floor, breathless from dancing. I hadn’t seen Paul yet, and I was trying not to seem too eager to see him, but I couldn’t wait to talk to him.
“I’m going to run to the bathroom. Can you please get me beer?” I brushed my hair out of my eyes.
“Will do.” Stephanie replied before she turned to take off for the bar where Zach sat waiting for us.
I twirled around to head to the bathroom and hit a brick wall – or at least it felt like a brick wall.
“What the hell? Watch where you are going,” I muttered.
“Sorry, Alex.”
I froze in my tracks. I knew that voice anywhere. I’d heard it whispering dirty things in my ear and moaning in pleasure when he was inside me.Paul!Finally I ran into him - literally.
“Um, sorry, I didn’t mean to be so rude,” I fumbled over my words, not quite sure what to say. Zach was right about how he looked. He had dark circles under his eyes and he hadn’t shaved for a few days. I was surprised he came to the club looking like this. “I was just on my way to the bathroom.”
“It’s ok, princess.” My knees weakened as I heard his term of endearment for me. “I should’ve been paying more attention. I didn’t hurt you, did I?” I noticed the look of concern on his face and my heart melted. How could I have left him that night?
No, but I want you to.I glanced over at him. Despite the tired look on his face, he still looked good. Tonight he had on black jeans that hugged his muscular thighs. One of his signature black t-shirts completed the look. I wanted to wrap my body around him and lick from his neck up to his ear.
“No, I‘m fine. Just on my way to the restroom.” I didn’t want to leave him, but my bladder was about to burst.
He let out a deep throaty laugh. “I’d better let you go then. Can we please talk when you’re done?”