Page 22 of A Touch of Lust
“Holy shit, girl, you look fucking amazing!”
I grinned, hearing the voice of my best friend Stephanie behind me as I stood at the bar going over my list of stuff to do for the party. Putting down my pen, I turned around and struck a pose with my hands on my hips. “You think so?”
Stephanie nodded, her long red curls bouncing vigorously. “Um, yeah.” She glanced around the club. “What did Paul say? Did he even let you out of the house without attacking you?” I fought back a laugh; Steph knew Paul pretty well. Of course, I had confided in her more than once about our crazy sex life.
I laughed and shook my head. “I almost didn’t but then I reminded him we couldn’t be late tomyparty athisclub. He reluctantly agreed and I managed to make it out of the house without being mauled.”
Stephanie giggled. “I’m surprised. You look fucking hot.”
I dismissed her comment with a wave of my hand. “Whatever. You look pretty sexy yourself.” Stephanie was dressed like a devil tonight, wearing a sexy black dress that barely covered her, complete with horns on top of her head. “I bet Zach loves it.”
“Yeah, Ididn’tget out of the house without getting mauled,” she winked at me. Stephanie and Zach had just gotten married six months earlier and couldn’t keep their hands off of each other. They were too cute andalmostmade me want to get married someday.
Stephanie glanced around the club. “You did a great job decorating the club, Alex.”
“Thanks. I was here all day getting stuff ready. The staff hates me,” I teased. “I worked their asses off.”
“Well, I would say it’s worth it.”
I looked around the club and even I had to admit I’d outdone myself. I’d basically split the club into two sides - one side was dark and full of candles. I’d had a couple cages put up and girls were dancing in them. Some of them were dressed like demons and a few were dark angels like I was. The other side had a softer feel with dim lighting and girls dressed as pure white angels dancing around. Nine Inch Nails was blaring in the background.
I had the staff dressed up to fit the mood. I didn’t care if they were angels or demons, they just had to fit the theme. Everyone looked amazing and I was seriously impressed with how they’d gone all out for this.
I watched the steady stream of people come in. The line must have been backed up all the way outside. The club’s regulars were mostly already there and we had visitors from some of the other local clubs. I wiped my hands on my short black skirt nervously. This better go off without a hitch. I didn’t want Paul embarrassed by my party if it failed.
I was startled by a pair of strong hands circling my waist. “Hi there, Mine,” Paul whispered in my ear, his lips on my ear.
I touched his hands and smiled before turning around. “Hey you,” I replied.
“Hey Steph,” he said, noticing her standing next to me. His gaze moved up and down her small frame. “Lookin’ hot. Zach’s going to have to beat the other men away tonight, I think.”
She laughed and rolled her eyes. “I don’t know about that.” She motioned to Alex. “I thinkyouwill be the one beating them off with a stick tonight. Your girl is looking pretty fucking hot.”
He pulled me to him possessively. For someone that once hated the idea of being ‘owned’ by anyone, I loved it when Paul got all caveman on me. His eyes got dark and the look on his face was sexy as fuck. “I’ll kick anyone’s ass that touches her,” he growled, grabbing my ass in his hand.
I kissed his cheek. “Oh, you know I’m yours,” I murmured against him.
“Damn right you are,” he muttered.
I reached up and touched his cheek. “You have nothing to worry about. I think everyone is afraid of you here. A lot of guys won’t even look at me, much less talk to me, knowing that I’m your girlfriend.”
He shrugged and smirked. “That’s fine with me.”
I laughed and looked around; the club was getting pretty full. “I think you better go attend to your guests. Have to play the good host, you know,” I reminded him.
“Join me, Mine,” he said, kissing my cheek as he put an arm around my waist and pulled me close to his side. “This is just as much your party as it is mine. You’re the hostess.”
I looked over to Stephanie with a smile. “Duty calls. Talk later?” I asked, grabbing my drink and taking a sip.
She nodded. “For sure. Have fun!”
I turned back to Paul. “All yours now.”
He growled and smacked my ass. “You’re always all mine.” He leaned down and bit my neck, making me gasp. He stood up and took my hand. “Maybe later, but for now, you’re right, we have guests. Let’s go. There’s a few people here I want you to meet.”
* * *