Page 4 of Single Dad Santa
With that, I’m dismissed, laughing all the way to the pool’s public bathroom, where I change quickly, then head back out to meet up with the other guys.
When I reach the stage at the edge of the pool, I wave to Ximena and her aunt, who are drinking and enjoying the show. The ladies catcall like crazy, which puts a great energy in the air, and I physically relax. I love all the attention. I’m the go-to guy for starting a party. You have unhappy guests? Let me work my charm. Social occasions like this are why Fitzy calls on me. I’m just like her. Point me to a party, and I’ll get it started.
She taps the mic to quiet the screams as another Santa exits the stage.
“Next, we have a real treat for you, a crowd favorite. Ladies, I present to you, Leo Miller. Call him Santa, and he just might spank you.”
I absolutely won’t be doing that, but laugh and play into her words, thrusting while motioning my hands, as if they are indeed spanking. I throw out my award-winning smile and bask in the cheers. Is it shallow that I thrive on this attention? Probably. But lucky for them, I’ll never settle down and will always be here to entertain.
“One hundred dollars,” a pretty blonde shouts, so I throw her a wink.
“Two hundred!” an older woman standing in the back of the crowd yells.
When I strut down the stage and rip my Santa jacket off just as the music changes tempo, pure madness erupts …along with my ego. Money starts being waved at Fitzy, who’s down in the trenches, and I don’t like how crowded she is. It’s becoming too rowdy, and I stop dancing to check on her.
“Now, now, ladies,” is the last thing said before the mic drops, and that’s my que.
I jump down and bolt for the old lady struggling to pass by. Women reach out to me, pulling on my damn pants and suspenders. Finally, I say fuck it and let ’em fall, gaining distance to the frazzled Fitzy, about to start throwing punches.
“Now, you see here, Mildred” someone shouts.
I cut between Fitz and the group of women all talking at once, pushing back until she has plenty of room. She pats her bob of white hair and brushes off nonexistent dirt from her fluffy red ball gown.
“Thank you, dear. Now, back to business.”
Her sudden grin as she looks up at me should tip me off to what is coming next, but I honestly don’t think the old bird has it in her. Suddenly, she looks at someone behind me and pushes me with all her tiny-framed might.
Not expecting it, I fall back, losing my footing. When I turn, it’s only to grab onto a very frightened woman, who falls with me into the large pool. Her arms wrap tight around my neck as we turn in the water. After a long moment, my feet find the pool floor, and I stand us both up, breaking the surface, both of us gasping for air. As she sputters and literally spits in my face, I notice the black dress, the black mascara running down her face, and the smeared black lipstick. Soaked to the bone, this woman currently in my arms is still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.
“Please, don’t drop me,” she begs.
We’ve drawn a crowd, who all stare but applaud when they realize we’re fine. The heated pool is warm, but no one is swimming.
“I’m so sorry, ma’am.”
“Just don’t let me go, damn it! I can’t swim.” She whispers the last part in my ear as she squeezes herself to me. The woman is clearly terrified, and I need to stop enjoying it.
“No ma’am. I give you my word. I won't let anything happen to you, hear me?”
My words seem to give her some comfort, but she doesn’t loosen her hold on me, and I’m not about to complain. Her soft curves mold to me like a second skin, and fuck, her body is warmer than the heated water around us, sending all the wrong signals to my neglected cock.
I keep my hands respectfully on her hips, holding her just for reassurance. That’s what I keep telling myself as her warm lips brush my ear. My heart is beating a millions miles a minute, but that could be from the fall, right?
Fitzy gets the mic back. Suddenly, everyone turns their backs on us as Bryce struts across the stage.
“I see how it is, ladies,” I joke, making the woman in my arms huff, seemingly annoyed, but everyone else is oblivious.
She rears back to look at me with a glare I’ll never forget. For the first time in my life, I’m struck silent. No lines. No jokes. Nothing works to win her over. I’m forever a people pleaser, and now, when I selfishly need my super power, I’m struck clueless. Her dark green eyes light up when she laughs lightly at our predicament.
“You seem to have gotten me all wet.”
Am I blushing? My face feels like it’s on fire as she teases me, a mischievous smile playing on her dark-colored lips.
“I never thought I’d apologize for that, but ma’am, I am so sorry. Believe me or not, that old bird runnin’ the show pushed me into you. I was an innocent bystander, trying to make sure she was okay. Serves me right, thinkin’ Fitzy couldn’t fend for herself, though.”
She nods in agreement, staying in my arms even though we’re in shallow enough water, she could confidently get down. Unless she reallyisscared. The thought that maybe I make this gorgeous woman feel safe is heady. My chest rises on its own accord, and I grip her just a bit tighter. If she notices, she doesn’t say anything.
“That was your first mistake. Never underestimate the Fitz.”