Page 5 of Halloween Hunt
He opens his mouth, but I am done listening. I slam my forehead into his nose. The small horns on my forehead are made for headbutts. I don’t feel anything besides the immediate impact that reverberates through my skull. He staggers back, clutching his face as blood trickles between his fingers.
“We need to move.” I reach for the witch. If we leave the party, the vampire will follow and then I can kill him and leave his body for the sun to claim.
She steps back as though ready to fight me, too. “Why did you do that?”
My dick hardens in my leather pants. For the first time, I understand the allure of witches. I have heard tales of them casting spells on fairies. But this is no spell she’s put on me.
It is lust.
“Because he’s not going to stop until you submit to his bite.” I growl the words low enough that the others around us shouldn’t hear.
“Ew.” She looks at her bleeding hand.
People are looking at us and pointing at me, which is never a good thing. “We need to clean that bite. If his poison got into y—”
“Poison? He was just dressed up as a vampire…wait…” She blinks, but the vampire has disappeared. “Where did he go?”
I scan the room. I’m pretty sure he was once fae—like her father must have been—since he was able to slip away without being seen. The magics differ between the fairy species, and vampires usually hunt their own blood line as it’s easier for them to absorb the magic.
“To lurk until he can get you alone. Now that he’s had a taste, he won’t stop.”
She laughs, but her gaze never leaves me. “You’re acting like vampires are real.”
“And you’re acting like magic isn’t.” I don’t want to grab her, but I don’t want to stand here any longer either. I should’ve taken his head off while I had the chance. I can’t hunt him and look after her, which means he gets to set the location of the next attack unless we lure him out. He also knows I only have tonight unless I risk staying and waiting until the next ride. Instead of grabbing, I offer my hand. “I’ll help you wash out the bite and make sure he doesn’t Attack you.”
Idon’t know if my heart is beating hard with fear or excitement. No one has ever stepped in and protected me like the barbarian did. If he hadn’t, would the vampire have dragged me off and actually bitten me? I shudder, unable to hold it back even though vampires can’t be real. A part of me knows it’s a bad idea to take his offered hand, but the rest of me wants to know why he thinks magic and vampires are real.
Three weeks ago, before my life got weird, I’d have laughed at him.
Not now.
There have been too many coincidences for me to brush them all away. Now this. I glance at my hand, where I cut my palm on the vampire’s teeth. Had his teeth been real? Is that why they were so sharp?
Curiosity and fear worm their way through me. Only one person knows the answers. I accept my warrior’s hand.
His fingers are cool as they close around mine. “Where are the ablutions?”
I frown, then realize what he means. “Bathroom is this way.” I lead him off the dance floor, which is in the middle of what is usually the lounge room.
Questions burn my tongue. I pass Hannah, who is chatting to a Cleopatra. She gives me the thumbs up, thinking that I’m about to get lucky. I shake my head. I’m not…am I?
Could the horned warrior break my curse?
I give him a sideways glance. From the side, his face is fierce with stubby horns and a flattened nose—like he’s head butted one too many vampires. He turns as though noticing, and his face softens. Maybe it’s the blue of his eyes or his lips peeking through the beard, but he doesn’t seem so fearsome anymore.
What would he look like without the makeup and fake horns?
What does he look like beneath that fur thrown around his shoulders and the metal and leather armor?
Big, is all I can come up with. He seems to be made of solid muscle. Even his forearms are thick. I lift my gaze. He’s still watching me checking him out. Heat creeps up my neck.
I need to do something or say something. Giving him my name is the first thing I can think of. “I’m Andrea.”
“Kov,” he responds.