Page 19 of Kaya's King
As his lips touch mine in a feather-light caress, I feel a spark ignite deep inside. It’s enough of a shock that I gasp, causing him to deepen the kiss. Soon, our tongues are tangling, and I swear it feels as if it’s gotten at least fifty degrees warmer in the room. He’s placed one of his arms firmly around me and his other hand is cupping my cheek while his thumb is skimming my jaw. Losing myself in the passion of the kiss, I forget everything; that I come from humble beginnings, I’m a single mom, I’m a widow whose experience is beyond limited. His touch has me feeling invincible, as though I could run a marathon, climb the highest mountain, slay the fiercest beast.
We finally pull back slightly, both of us gasping and panting for air. He leans his forehead against mine and simply utters, “Wow.”
Wow is right. No truer word has ever been spoken. Three little letters that were put together and are totally dynamic. Especially when they’re defining that erotic kiss. It packed one helluva powerful punch. “I agree,” I whisper, not wanting to break the sanctity of the moment. In fact, I could stay here the rest of the day.
And then…
“Mommy! I’m ready to get out now!” Noah yells. I swear, the day he gets his indoor and outside voices modulated, will be the day I probably drop dead of a heart attack from the shock.
“Saved by the bellow,” Specks jokes, standing up. He puts his hand out in a stop sign when I go to rise, stating, “No, I’ve got him. You already have his clean clothes in there, right?”
It should be odd that I trust him enough to take care of my son, yet I do. “He’s going to want to stand up without assistance, but you can’t let him convince you he can,” I remind him.
“I’ve got this, Kaya. I won’t let him strong arm me.” His reassurance has me grinning like a lovesick teenager. If this is what it’s like to have someone in my life who causes my body to sing, sign my ass up because most of the heavy lifting has been primarily on my shoulders. Granny’s back, after years of bending over a sewing machine, can’t handle lifting Noah’s strapping weight anymore. She does a lot for us, but right now, with him being non-weight bearing, all of his care is my responsibility.
While I wait for the two of them to reappear from the bathroom, I touch my lips with the tips of my fingers. They feel swollen and warm from the turbulent kiss. It’s been years since I kissed a man and there’s honestly no comparison with the passion I felt when Specks placed his lips on mine. Not that I want to compare the two of them because Foster was so young and inexperienced when he died, we were no more than teenagers when we got together, while Specks is fully mature and well-versed in the game of seduction. I’m sure it’ll happen; I’m bound to compare the two men since they’re all I’ve ever known, but I mentally vow not to do it if at all possible.
Foster was my past; Specks is my future.
Settlinginto the clubhouse has been a lot easier than I anticipated it would be, despite it only being our first full day living here. When we woke up and got to the dining room, Chelsea had a light breakfast prepared, then everyone started congregating at the clubhouse where we’ve spent the day in and around the pool so far. At the table over breakfast, Chelsea informed me she'd start homeschooling Noah for me next week and will make sure he doesn’t fall behind in his schoolwork while seeing doctors and therapists. True to his word, Specks got Noahall sorted after his bath, then we went to hang out with everyone else outside as the men started grilling for an impromptu cookout. Mary and Granny are in the kitchen making sides, but shooed me away when I attempted to help, stating they had it all under control and I needed to kick my feet up and relax while I could.
Well, I thought it was spontaneous until I saw Atlas and Patsy striding through the rear doors, his arms protectively holding the tiny pink bundle he was gazing at in complete adoration. “They’re here!” CeeCee hollers, jumping up from her seat to rush over to Patsy’s side.
“CeeCee, be careful!” Loki admonishes as her distended belly jiggles with her movements. “You’re going to make the baby puke if you don’t stop jostling about.”
Her laughter rings out, even echoing around the property, as she saucily sticks her tongue out at him, which has the rest of us joining in her merriment. “You worry too much, Loki,” she teases, reaching out her hand to lightly stroke the newborn baby’s cheek.
“You don’t worry enough, woman,” he barks out, coming alongside her to peer down at the little girl who’s now awake and cooing softly.
“What’s her name?” Poseidon asks the question we’ve all been anxiously waiting for.
“Talia Elise Crandall,” Atlas proudly announces.
“It’s a beautiful name for a gorgeous little girl,” Momma M, Patsy’s mom, says, beaming from ear to ear. “Now, can this grandma hold her?”
Atlas practically growls which has everyone laughing again, but he relents when Patsy gently tugs on his shirt sleeve. “Fine, fine. Did you wash your hands? Gotta be sterilized so she doesn’t catch any germs. Have you been sick recently? Because if you have, you’ll have to wait until you're healed.” He starts firing questions and reasonings left and right as the rest of us laugh even harder. “What? They’re legitimate concerns, people. She’s got no defenses against bacteria or viruses right now.”
“Except what her momma gave her,” CeeCee chides, shaking her head.
Momma M sits down, and Atlas carefully places Talia in her arms then stands guard as though an invisible enemy is going to jump out of the shadows and attack his daughter.
“Do you miss Noah being that age?” Specks asks, leaning into me.
“Yes and no. I mean, the sleepless nights sucked, but Noah was a good baby all in all. He was lovable and happy more often than not.”
I watch him closely and notice he takes a deep breath, a reluctant look crosses his face before he shakes it off and asks, “Do you want more kids?”
Based on our earlier conversation, I know what he’s referencing. I think about what he’s asking because even though we’ve kissed, I don’t know how he is in other situations. He could be a complete asshole when he’s sick, or ignore Noah and I if we’re under the weather. Everything changes after the courting aspect and you settle into a relationship as a couple or in our case a family, because I come with a package that’s more precious than my feelings. Of course, everything I’ve seen so far when itcomes to Specks indicates he’s thoughtful, caring, and has a soft side that he doesn’t show around the others. A gem that he only opens the treasure chest to and reveals when he’s comfortable around the person. Well, except for the kids, that is, because I’ve noticed, especially today, that he’s willing to play with them and adjusts his mindset to what he’s doing in regard to their age level and comprehension.
And he’s good with Noah,my inner self reminds me.He’s attentive, willing to learn what needs to be done so Noah gets better, and that’s not mentioning the fact that he’s hot as hell and makes my blood boil with feverish longing.
While it seems as though a long time has passed, in reality, it was mere seconds as all of my thoughts merged, converged, and spilled out their truths. “I’d be willing to get whatever test is needed to ensure we could have kids who wouldn’t be born with cystic fibrosis,” I finally say, jumping to the conclusion that he’s speaking about future children with me. I’m hoping that I was right and didn’t overstep.