Page 4 of Kaya's King
“Beebee has always been his comfort toy, Granny. Today’s visit will likely be just like the ones he’s used to, but it’s a new doctor, so of course, he’s stressed.”
She nods as she begins cleaning up the kitchen. When Noah runs back in, he immediately wraps his arms around her legs, hugging her close. “Bye, Granny!”
“Inside voice, Noah,” I scold since he used his outside voice.
“Sorry, Mommy. Bye, Granny, love you!” he says, slightly quieter, causing both of us to laugh. He grabs his backpack then heads to the door leading out to the garage. The house we’re renting, until I find one I actually want to buy for us, is something that we’re still getting accustomed to. No more slogging through rain to bring groceries inside or on occasion, a sleeping little boy who’s dead weight in my arms. “I’ve got to get buckled in now. See you later. Can we have chicken nuggets when I come home?” He rambles, not waiting for an answer, he simply walks out the door where I hear the noise of the automatic garage door opener engage before I detect him opening the back door of my car. Since he’s not quite the weight limit yet, I know he won’t be able to close the door as his booster seat is set in the middle seat.
Shaking my head, I grab my purse and keys, kiss my granny then follow my son out the door. Today stands to be interesting, to say the least.
“Oh, Mommy, it looks awesome!” Noah says, his voice almost reverent.
I deliberately allowed plenty of extra time and when Loki told me to swing by the shop so I could get my paycheck, I decided to give my boy a special temporary tattoo.
“Can I go show Mr. Loki?” he asks.
His exuberance is catching, so I grin, and nod. “Make sure you knock on his door first, okay? I think he’s got a client inside his cubicle with him right now. I’ll get this cleaned up, then we’ve got to leave.”
“Okay, Mommy!” he calls out, already moving toward the room where Loki tattoos his clients. I hear him knock, then a muffled voice telling him to come in. Smiling, I quickly clean up the mess I made, being sure to disinfect my area even though I’ll do it again when I come back to work. In this business, hygiene is important to the safety of the staff and clients. The things I’ve learned about bloodborne pathogens and the way they’re spread would cause a grown man to shiver with fear.
Once I’m satisfied that everything is placed where I want it to be, I get the trash bagged up to take out then head to Loki’s room, where I lean against the doorjamb as I watch my son animatedly talk to Loki and his client. I know I recognize him from the clubhouse, and we’ve even been introduced, but his name momentarily escapes me until Noah says it.
Mr. Tall, Tatted, and Hot swings his head and glances in my direction and I freeze at the blazing look in his eyes. I can’t describe it exactly, but since I don’t really know him all that well, I shove the wonderment of what appears to be interest, in me no less, to the back of my mind to think about later.
Tuning in to what Noah is saying, I hear, “That’s why we moved here because Mommy says I need a special doctor.”
Loki glances at me, a smile spread from cheek to cheek on his face. “I see you were able to get in, huh?”
“Yeah, his old pediatrician used that weird doctor network thing they have. He reached out to several of his colleagues and got the specialist’s name, then one of them reached out to the specialist and voila, we were able to get in!” I reply, splaying my hands in a move reminiscent of that cheerleading movie.
“Glad they did that for him but even happier that it landed you here working with us. The customers are gonna miss you while you’re gone, Kaya,” he says.
“I’ll only be gone a few days, Loki. They’ll either wait until I’m back or let you or Canyon work on them,” I retort, shrugging. My son is, and will always be, my first and only priority. Work can wait, my son’s health can’t.
Truthfully, I could stay home with Noah, but how boring would that be? I’d eventually climb the walls. I hate feeling enclosed and idle. My hours with the shop are pretty flexible, and with Granny here with us, he’s always got one of us around should the need arise. “Noah, we need to hit the road, little man.”
“Okay, Mommy. Did you see Mr. Loki has Thelma and Louise here today?” he asks, pointing to the habitat that Loki built to house his two bearded dragons so they can come to the shop with him. It took me some getting used to, because I’ve never had any pets around whatsoever, much less one who’s a reptile, but they’re actually kind of cool and I’ve grown accustomed to seeing them here at the shop.
“They look content, Loki,” I state, wiggling my fingers at Noah. “Come on, Noah.”
He turns, gives Loki a half-hug then waves at Specks before rushing to my side. “We’re getting chicken nuggets tonight for dinner!”
I sigh as he’s using his outside voice again, then turn to leave until Loki says, “Hang on, you almost forgot something, Kaya.”
Turning back, I see a gift bag that I instinctively know is from CeeCee as well as an envelope that looks thicker than it should considering I was getting my check. Not because I need it per se, but because while we’re gone, I’ll do a mobile deposit and likely pay my monthly bills. Even though Noah is expecting to come home tonight, I know better. The tests they’ll likely want to do will have him in too much pain to ride back home in the car. The movement from the road jars him, which Granny knows too which is why she’s not expecting us back home until sometime tomorrow.
“That looks like more than my check, Loki,” I chide, taking the items from his hands.
“Just a little something extra in case he has some energy to expel and wants to explore while you’re gone,” he replies, shrugging. When I go to argue with him, he holds his hands up stopping me before I get a chance to start my rant. “We take care of our own, Kaya, and since you work for the shop, which is owned by the club, that makes you and by extension, Noah, ours. You really want to piss off the old ladies? Because they can be stubborn. Make sure you want to go there before you put your two cents in.” Both men have a similar smirk on their faces, something I’ve come to recognize with these guys.
Ah, I see his game now, he’s going to put the extra money on the old ladies, knowing I won’t push against them since even without their men at their backs, they’re a force to be reckoned with all by themselves. “Thank you,allof you.” I emphasize my appreciation by shooting him a smile, knowing that it’s likely Loki was the impetus behind theextra. “And let CeeCee know he’ll appreciate this,” I continue, waving the gift bag around.
“You’re welcome. Y’all drive safe and be sure to text to let me know y’all got settled so CeeCee doesn’t worry.”
I barely resist the urge to roll my eyes as I nod knowing it's he himself who wants to know when we arrive safe and sound. From what I understand, all the old ladies are simultaneously pregnant, which means that the men are hypervigilant where they, and all females are concerned. It’s actually kind of nice if I say so myself. For so many years now, it’s just been Granny worrying about where I’m at, if I’m safe, when I’ll be home. They might sometimes be a bit overbearing in their delivery, but it warms my heart that because I’m working here, I’m covered under their umbrella of protection.
“Will do,Dad,” I reply, getting a small dig in, before holding my hand out for Noah. “Come on, little man, we’ve gotta roll.”