Page 109 of Made for Cyn
Jig: LB, be ready. I’ll be outside your house in five
Ignoring the tiny thrill at the prospect of seeing Cyn after so many days, I pull my coat on and head downstairs, forgoing primping because I don’t have enough time. Besides, I’m too eager. Cyn will have to be content with me dressed in sweatpants and looking rather sloppy.
“Where are you headed?” John asks, appearing in the doorway to the kitchen.
Glancing around warily, I don’t see Pam, and I stare over his shoulder as I say, “Out.”
“With who?”
“Hmm, I don’t think that’s a good idea. I think you should stay home, spend time with your family, don’t you, Rain?”
I glance up mutinously to find him staring at me with his creepy as fuck pale eyes. The blaze makes me shiver, and I startle when my phone buzzes in my pants. Pulling it out, I look up at John once more.
“Go on, tell your friend you’re not going.”
Rain: I can’t go. My uncle says no
Jig: dick
I’m already heading cautiously back to the stairs, my heart at my toes, when Pam appears in the doorway. “Where are you off to, Rain?”
“Just a fri—”
“I think she should stay home, don’t you?” John interjects.
“Oh honey, let her go.” Pam smiles at me, and I relax, glancing at John, who says in a strangled voice, “Never mind, you can go.”
Relieved, I send Jig a text before he leaves and avoid John’s gaze as he walks stiffly away without a backward glance.
Jig: get your pretty ass out here
With a huff, I get into the SUV and say curiously, “What’s going on?”
Jig just grins and puts the car in gear, pulling away with a squeal of tires as I screech, “Jig.”
Laughing evilly, he races away, and I clutch the dash, giving him foul looks the entire way.
“Where are we going?”
“Home,” he says simply, and once again, I wonder which home he’s referring to until we’re back at Cyn’s house. Is Cyn’s gran inside?
She didn’t like me much the first time I met her. Maybe she could sense the rotten inside?
Thankfully, we bypass the little house and head straight for the garage, where Bastion is his usual grim self and Cyn leans against the counter with a moody expression.
I can’t help myself. Maybe it’s foolish. Maybe I should take advantage of the distance and end this, but I don’t want to. Don’t I deserve this feeling for a little while longer? I guess it doesn’t matter either way because I’m taking it, selfish or not.
After hesitating at the door, I rush to Cyn and wrap my arms around him. Thankfully, he returns the favor and I burrow deep, breathing him in, before whispering, “I’m sorry.”
Cyn hugs me tight, and from the corner of my eye, I spy Jig and Bastion step out as Cyn tips my head back and searches my gaze before kissing me on the lips.
When he’s done, his mouth curves in a devastating smile. “I’ve missed this mouth, even if it’s entirely too sassy.”
Laughing, I bury my face in his chest, shy in the face of his humor and the desire I see in his eyes.
For a few minutes, he just holds me before pulling back and leading me to the couch, where I settle into his lap, straddling him and looking into his liquid green eyes.