Page 111 of Made for Cyn
Jig drops me back at the house because, apparently, sweats are not appropriate. Even so, I was warned by Cyn not to wear anything revealing because he doesn’t want to have to murder anyone.
The house is quiet as I get ready, and stupidly I let my guard down because Pam is here, which I regret the moment John enters my room and closes the door behind him.
My chest clenches, and I back away, but he just smiles viciously. “You think you can go around me? I answer to no one, little girl.”
“What?” I whisper, damning myself for forgetting to lock my door. Although with this fucker, I’m not sure it would matter.
“I thought you understood the rules, Rain?” He steps forward with glacial eyes. “Are you fucking someone?”
“N-no,” I stutter, hoping this is the correct answer, although nothing is going to spare me.
I can see it in his eyes. He’s angry, and Pam’s interference was like waving a red flag in front of a bull. I’m screwed, but this time, I refuse to go down without a fight.
“Is that right? Well, we’ll see about that. Strip,” he demands, and slowly I shake my head.
“Do we need to go back over my warning?” he says calmly, too calm.
“No, but I don’t care. Call the cops or whoever because I’ll be happy to tell them the truth.”
His eyes narrow to thin slits and he steps forward, grabbing my arms, but with a cry, I break away, except I don’t get far before he’s pushing me to the bed and laying over my back.
Disgustingly, I can feel his arousal, and I buck away, but he just chuckles and grinds himself against me. “That’s it, make it fun.”
Rearing back, I slam him in the chin, and he swears before crawling up my body and trapping my arms against my sides. Although I struggle, he has the advantage and he pulls his belt from the loops.
I shudder at the sound, and then he’s whipping me across my back, and I’m crying out, but I don’t hear it because I can only focus on the painful burn in my shoulders. Closing my eyes against the pain, I catch my lip between my teeth because I know he enjoys my fear and I refuse to give the fucker the satisfaction.
I’m somewhere in my head, with a dull buzzing in my ears when he pulls away, and I curl into a ball.
From the corner of my eye, I watch as he steps up to the window, flinching when a strangled sound escapes his mouth, and he drops the curtain. Too soon, he’s looming over me again, and I shrink away, my stomach curdling when he brushes my hair back from my face. “If you tell anyone, I’ll kill Iris. Make no mistake, if I’m going down, I’m taking the bitch with me.”
Stiffly, I get into the SUV, greeting Cyn with a wobbly smile. I finished getting ready after John left because as much as I’d like to bow out, I’m afraid to stay home.
I have welts across my shoulders and back that burn with every movement and Cyn got his wish because I’m wearing a long-sleeved blouse that probably makes me look like a teacher but covers everything I don’t want seen.
Paired with skinny jeans and flats, I’m the opposite of sexy, but I don’t have it in me to care, and I’m sure I’ll stick out like a sore thumb. Maybe Cyn will wonder what the hell he’s doing with me when all is said and done.
I pulled my hair back and swiped on lip gloss and mascara because I have no idea how to do more without Iris, but it’s just as well because I didn’t have the energy for that either.
Cyn’s brows drop over his eyes when he sees me, and he grabs my chin and pulls me around as we drive away. “What’s the matter?”
“Um, nothing. Nervous, I guess,” I lie.
He searches my eyes before he says softly, “Nothing to be nervous about, just stay close, beauty.”
Nodding, I glance up when Jig says, “What are you wearing, LB? Would it kill you to show a little side boob or something?”
“She looks fine,” Cyn growls, and Jig smirks before turning back to the front.
For the first time in hours, I relax into my seat, ignoring the throbbing in my back as I close my eyes and fight back the tears I refused to shed earlier. Both John and Iris are getting more and more dangerous, and I’m stuck between the two, but I know this; after today, the time has run out because I refuse to be alone with him ever again.
I just wish I knew what to do because I fear the outcome won’t be pretty, no matter what option I choose.
Soon, we’re in an area I’ve never been before, and my entire body stiffens when I spy girls my age and younger standing on the street, scantily clad and looking over the vehicle with vacant eyes.
These are the lost girls with whom, supposedly, Cyn isn’t involved. I hope that’s the truth because I can never forgive myself or him if he’s lying. How can I possibly look into the eyes of one of these girls or even myself, knowing he’s pimping them out for a buck?