Page 114 of Made for Cyn
“Iris, you’ve got to stop. This is dangerous,” I hiss.
“No, you have to stop. Don’t you get it? Cyn doesn’t care about you. This is all to get to me. Stop, just stop,” she says, slamming her palm against the wall beside me.
Staring into her dilated eyes, I sigh, ignoring the sharp twist in my chest at her lost stare. She’s fucking out of it, and I’m fucking tired.
“Whatever,” I mutter before walking away.
I’m halfway through the crowd, stewing over her machinations when I realize I’ve gone too far and Cyn will more than likely be unhappy with me, but when I turn back, it’s to find myself face to face with Hate.
He’s so fucking scary that I stare wide eyed as he looks me over coldly. “You going to church after this?”
Flushing, I stand mutely because he’s putting off vibes so dangerous my hair is standing on end.
“Whatever. You need to stop distracting my cousin, or he’s going to end up in a body bag. Do you understand?”
“Yes,” I whisper.
“Good,” he grunts, pushing past me with a scowl.
Searching the crowd for Cyn, I come up empty because it’s so fucking full I can’t see past the people in front of me. Giving up, I move toward a wall where I’m standing when Shelby approaches with a militant expression.
Great. I have no room in my tired fucking soul for this but I’m sure she doesn’t fucking care. Bracing myself, I duck at the last minute when her fist flies toward my face, cringing when my back lights up with fire.
Unfortunately, that’s not the end of her attempts, and she swings around when I move under her arm, grabbing my hand and pulling me back.
Since I can’t outrun her, and I’m handicapped by my fucking injured back, I swing at her wildly, and my jacket slips. Shrugging it off, I swing at her, but she skips back.
We circle each other for a moment before she rushes me, and I have nowhere to go in the crowd. I brace myself and wrap my arms around her when she makes impact. We stumble into the bodies behind us before she rears back with my shirt wrapped around her fist, and I hear the fabric tear as she pulls it away from my body with a satisfied gleam in her eyes. But I can’t see past the pain rocketing my system and I stumble under the barrage.
Unfortunately, this bares my injuries to the whole world and gives everyone a nice view of my boobs in my bra. I give a brief thought to Jig because now there’s side boob before ducking again as she comes at me. I get one good fist to her eye before Cyn is growling behind us, and his shirt is once more over my head.
Dazed, I turn and stare at his beautiful chest, heaving for air before he’s leading me away with a scowl out the door and to the SUV where Jig is already waiting.
Cyn pushes me into the backseat, and I lay against the window, breathing in shallow pants until the door opens again, and to my surprise, Iris climbs inside. After, Cyn rounds the vehicle and gets in on the other side, sandwiching me between the two of them. His butt is barely in the seat when Bastion puts the car in gear and Jig closes the door on his side.
For a moment, all I can do is stare at the seat in front of me, still processing my altercation with Shelby and the shit show with that dude on Iris’ arm. She’s stiff beside me as we drive quietly, and I stew over Shelby’s attack until it fades to worry. Is Cyn in danger from his own family? What did Hate mean?
Glancing at Iris’ vacant expression, I silently sigh before looking at Cyn. But my stomach roils at his distant demeanor with his head turned away and his jaw ticking angrily.
I can’t control this though and breathing deeply through my nose, I lean my head back and suppress the tears because everything fucking hurts, including my damn heart.
We roll up to the cabin we were at once before, and warily I follow Iris from the vehicle as she stomps up the steps and follows Jig inside.
Bastion is behind me, with Cyn taking up the rear, and uncomfortably I move away from his cold countenance when we all gravitate toward the kitchen.
“What’s going on?” Iris demands as soon as we’re all here.
“You’re on thin ice with me,” Cyn barks, and she pauses but raises her chin.
“You don’t control me, and I’m leaving.”
“No one is going anywhere until I get some answers,” Cyn growls.
With wide eyes, I stare at his fierce expression, a sliver of caution rolling down my spine.