Page 50 of Made for Cyn
“Beauty, Kane doesn’t give a fuck about you. He’s looking for pussy, just like every other dick in this place. Don’t you get it? This is fucking high school. Every guy out there wants one thing, and if they’re not getting it from you, they’re getting it from someone else.”
My mouth curls in a shaky smile, and I avert my face to hide my hurt. “That’s . . . not true.”
Is every guy after one thing? I don’t know, but it doesn’t matter because the only guy I want doesn’t truly want me.
“Yes, it is,” he chuckles. “You want pretty words? I’ll give you pretty words.”
“I want someone who isn’t going to fuck me and forget me,” I say fiercely, swinging back around to him with a glare.
His eyes widen before he cocks his head to the side. “You want exclusivity?”
“Yes! Is that too much to ask?”
“For how long?”
Sputtering, I say, “I don’t know. For as long as it takes.”
“But no dating shit? Just fucking?”
“What are you saying?”
“You want exclusivity, fine. We fuck only each other until one of us gets bored,” he states, his pretty eyes glittering with satisfaction.
“Ha! And you’ll get bored as soon as you take my virginity,” I exclaim. This is the sickest proposition I’ve ever heard, and still, my heart is pounding out of my chest at the thought.
He looks away, but when I turn my head, I see his furrowed brows in the mirror. “Beauty, I suspect it’s going to take a lot longer than one fuck to get you out of my system.”
Searching his eyes, I contemplate this madness. It’s stupid, it’s ridiculous, and it will only end in heartache—mine. But he’s meeting me halfway in the only way someone like him knows how. That has to mean something, right?
“Are we agreed?” he asks, catching me up in his arms and pulling me against his chest.
“I don’t know. I need to thi—”
Lifting me easily, I wrap my legs around him instinctively, moaning when he bucks into me, and his erection touches my core. He’s showing me his need, and I cave, knowing that at the least, he’ll make me feel, and I know, even if this goes nowhere in the end, this guy can make me do that with just a look.
“No holding hands, going steady, hearts and flowers bullshit,” he says gruffly, “just sex, just you and me.”
Dropping my head to his chest, I roll my eyes but give in with a shudder because I fear I’ve just made a deal with the devil. What if, in the end, he wants my soul?
“Okay,” I whisper.
“Thank fuck,” he says.
I look up at him in surprise, and the need staring back at me is so great I tremble under the weight of it. But he drops me on my feet abruptly, turning to the door, and my stomach free falls when he opens it.
“Where are you going?”
“We’re getting out of here,” he says, grabbing my hand and pulling me along behind him.
I don’t see Jig or Bastion as Cyn quickly escorts me through the house, avoiding the party goers as we do. At the SUV, he turns me around and gives me a brutal kiss that makes me weak-kneed before pushing me into the passenger seat.
Stunned and breathless, I watch as he rounds the vehicle, my stomach clenching painfully at the thought that I’m going to have sex for the first time, ever, tonight.
Oh shit.
The ride is silent while I ponder the weight of what I’m about to do and I tremble in both anticipation and abject fear. I know the first time hurts, but will it feel good, too?