Page 137 of Jig's Last Dance
“Leave her alone,” Ben shouts, and Sal shakes his head, looking between us with a scowl.
“Where is she, Alice?”
“Who?” I ask, shuddering when he says to one of his goons, “Bring the other weight.”
Blankly I watch as the man grabs the weight sitting beside Ben and carries it forward. Only when Sal pulls me toward the pool do I realize what’s about to happen, and I wrestle against his hold.
“What? No, you fuck. You want blood, take me!” Ben roars.
But it’s no use. Sal picks me up when I thrash, and the rope is wrapped around my ankle.
Ben rages across the way, but he’s stuck with his own goon knocking him around, and eventually, I sag, sucking in a breath.
Sal drops me to my feet and grabs my arm once more. Glancing into the water, I close my eyes. Will it be quick? Fuck, I hope so.
Shaking me roughly, Sal says, “Last chance.”
With a grimace, I say quietly, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“No? Your father didn’t tell you?” Sal growls. “Where did he hide her?”
“No, he didn’t tell me shit,” I spit. “Why would he? I shot him in the fucking head.”
Ben sucks in a breath and raises his bloodshot blue eyes to mine. “I’m sorry,” I mouth, and he nods, but I see the crinkle between his brows.
“Enough! He took her, and I want her back,” Sal roars. “One of you knows where she is.”
Shaking my head, I drop my chin. Even if I did know, I wouldn’t tell this fuck.
“Goddamnit,” Sal says, and with a small smile, I look at my brother and say shakily, “I love you.”
Ben flinches and rasps, “No, you can’t. She’s your daughter!”
Sal’s head whips around, and he stares at Ben before he chuckles. Wide-eyed, I glance between them. If I weren’t about to die, I’d be seriously pissed at my brother right now.
“Where the hell did you get that idea?” Sal says.
I bite back a sour retort. Dick.
“It’s not true?” I ask.
When he shakes his head, I sag. It’s probably foolish to be relieved when this could have saved my life. But there you go; I’d rather die than be this fucker’s spawn.
“Of course not,” he says, shaking his head. “Now, one of you better tell me what I want to know.”
Ben’s tortured stare rises to mine, and I shake my head, smiling softly.
“Fuck,” Sal roars.
I flail as he pushes me before closing my eyes because I don’t want his dark stare to be the last thing I see. When I hit the water, I cry out and immediately choke, swallowing the room temperature liquid as I sink to the bottom of the pool. Although I kick to reach the surface, my legs are no match for the weight wrapped around my ankle.
From above, I hear the shouts of my brother, but I can’t help him now. Instead, I close my eyes, picturing Jig with his shining eyes and playful smile. And I allow myself to imagine what could have been , wrapping the feeling around my heart.
My limbs start to feel heavy. My chest burns. When I can hold my breath no longer, I gasp and swallow more liquid. It presses against my lungs, and I claw at my throat, thrashing violently.
Stars dance behind my eyes, and I still as blackness assails my vision.
This is the end.