Page 141 of Jig's Last Dance
“It’s information on a girl. I couldn’t give it to Sal. What if—I don’t know what he’s going to do with it.”
His brows furrow, and he nods. “It could be anything with those fuckers. I’ll see what my dad can do.”
“Thank you,” I say, and his eyes drop to mine, warming me through. “Anything for you, sunshine.”
Our lips touch in another beautiful kiss, and I melt against him before curiosity gets the better of me.
“What does your dad say? About me?”
Jig’s sigh ruffles my hair and I drop my gaze. Am I coming between him and his family? Stupid question. Of course, I am.
Grabbing my chin, he says firmly, “It’ll take some time, but he’ll get over it.”
Will he? We have more than just our own transgressions to get past, but I have hope for all of us.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, sunshine. I’m sure.”
Smiling, I touch his cheek. He’s mine—this beautiful man with a heart of gold and a killer smile.
I just hope we can withstand the mountainous obstacles between us.
My phone buzzes beside me, and I jump before reaching for it with a frown.
“Who’s that? Your brother?” he asks, and I shake my head.
“No, Ben’s staying with a friend.” I wish he would’ve come here, but I understand his reticence.
Jig may not know about Ben’s misdeeds, but Ben could hardly stay in his home. Besides, the two of us have our own healing to do, and it’s going to take time.
I now have a better understanding of Ben’s struggle, but we lost something in our relationship, and I can only hope we get it back eventually.
The message is from Iris. With a groan, I silence it before turning back to Jig. I’ll deal with Iris later. I don’t have it in me to worry about John and his fucking demands.
“C’mere,” Jig says huskily, laying down and pulling me into his arms.
Snuggling in, I rest my head on his shoulder.
Per Jig, we should be in the clear with Sal because McCafferty did whatever he did, but to trust Sal to honor anything would be a mistake.
Still, I have hope because Jig is beside me. Together we can do anything.
Iris: You owe me
Alice: For what?
Iris: Take your pick
It’s been two months since the showdown with Sal. I haven’t spoken to him since, and I’m hoping it stays that way.
So far, the young woman, Liberty, remains safe. I know because I check social media every once in a while. Jig spoke to his father, and maybe they found a resolution, but I worry anyway.
Is there more I could have done?
Although I’ve met Jig’s father only once, his reception was chilly. I understand. I’m a reminder of his loss, something he’ll never truly overcome.