Page 34 of Jig's Last Dance
“Hey,” I say weakly, and he looks at me with a raised brow. That’s it, just his fucking brow, and I’m fighting back hysteria. His stare says a thousand things, and I receive the message as intended, stepping back.
He could and would hurt me without remorse.
“Do you know how quickly someone dies when you slit their throat?” he asks in a conversational tone, as though we’re discussing the weather.
I stare, caught in his gaze. I’m looking at a fucking killer. I’m guessing based on Jig’s assertion, my dad wasn’t much better, but fuck me. At least my father had light behind his eyes.
Faltering, I look away, shame clogging my throat. But I can’t help her. I’m not sure I can help myself. Where the fuck is Marco?
“Iris, where did you find the keys?” he asks again, and I’m drawn back to the spectacle when I hear her choke.
“Jig,” Iris slurs.
Jig? Huh?
Iris nods; she blinks, her eyes pools of devastation before she again says, “Jig.”
I’m caught in her blank stare when she winks at me, and I fall back, grabbing the knob on the useless door. Fumbling once again, I stiffen when John says right behind me, “Here.”
I turn far enough to see him holding out his hand and shrink away as he grabs the door and pushes it out of the way. I don’t look back, escaping through the hole. When I emerge, I suck in a breath, my lungs burning, and stalk toward Marco, who’s waiting for me in the car.
Ripping the door open, I crawl inside and curl up on the seat, muttering, “What the fuck?”
“Miss—Alice, are you okay?”
Ignoring his stare, I mumble, “Where were you?”
“I’ve been waiting for you for twenty minutes.”
Blankly, I stare at him, but I see nothing but confusion on his face. I have no idea what’s happening, but this is not fucking good.
“What do you mean? You were inside?” I wave at the door and he glances at it with a frown. “No,” he says, “when I went inside, no one was there.”
“Miss . . . Alice?” Marco says, and I recite an address before leaning back and closing my eyes.
This just went next level, and I’m fucking scared.
“What are you doing here?” Jig asks, looking over my shoulder with a frown.
“I need to talk to you,” I whisper, and he meets my gaze, his brows slamming over his eyes.
“What’s happened? Why are you fucking shaking?” he growls.
“Please, can I come in?” I ask, clenching my hands at my sides.
When I do, the keys dig into my palm, reminding me, as though my dad is whispering in my ear, to keep it together.
He slowly nods, opening the door, and I step in without glancing back.
Jig leads me into a sitting room with pretty chairs arranged behind a fireplace, and I glance around absently. From one pretty prison to another. Fuck me.
“What’s happened?” he asks, raising his hand toward me before changing his mind and clenching it behind his neck.