Page 70 of Jig's Last Dance
“Alice?” Cyn barks.
What? Oh right, Sal.
Shifting in my chair because I’m not sure I want to reveal anything else after Jig’s ice-out, I huff when Jig leans over me and says, “What?”
At least his eyes are clear now, but I’m still shaken when I say, “He wants me to . . .”
I wipe my sweaty palms on my jeans and avert my gaze, but with four pairs of eyes boring into my skull, it doesn’t do much good.
“What?” Cyn barks.
Swinging my head around, I glare at him before muttering, “I’m supposed to handle John.”
The silence that follows my statement is so fraught with tension that the hair on my neck stands on end. Rain turns her head away. Cyn glares at me so fiercely, I resist the urge to make the sign of the cross, but it’s Jig’s reaction that nearly pushes me from my chair.
“No. Fuck no! That dick is dangerous. No!”
“Jig,” Cyn barks, and Jig swings toward him with wild eyes. “Calm the fuck down.”
Frozen, I stare between them until Jig huffs and stalks away, disappearing behind me.
Cyn turns back to me with a troubled frown and says, “Handle him . . . how?”
“I don’t know. I guess he reports to me now.”
Cyn raises a brow, and silently, I agree. It’s completely preposterous. John won’t believe it for a second. Is this what Castinetti wants? Or is there an ulterior motive?
Jig snarls, and I shrink in my seat as Rain says softly, “Maybe this is our chance.”
“No,” Cyn says, grabbing her chin. She smiles, although her lips wobble, and says, “We can’t avoid it forever. McCafferty will only be patient for so long.”
Rain reaches out to him, but he stands, looking around wildly before he stalks toward the door. Wide-eyed, I cringe when he slams his fist against the wall as he exits.
After that, we all drop into silence while I contemplate his vicious reaction. What the hell is going on between them? Does this put me at risk?
“Why?” Rain asks, drawing my attention back to her.
Shrugging, I say, “I don’t know. Nothing about this makes sense.”
Rain nods, her gaze contemplative as Jig barks behind me, “Why?”
Glancing at him from the corner of my eyes, I sigh. “Why what?”
“Why would you agree to be around that piece of shit knowing what he does?”
“Jig,” I say, turning to him. “Why would I agree to any of this? You think I’m doing this because I want to?”
“Tell him no,” he breathes, his nostrils flaring like a bull.
“I can’t.”
“What? You can’t tell your precious uncle Sal you’d rather not?” he sneers.
“I’m risking myself just by telling you what I have! You think this is me doing my uncle a favor? I’m stuck. I can’t get free!”
“Stuck how?” he growls. “You went to him, remember?”
“Yeah, because I had nowhere else to go! I don’t have friends,” I wave my arm around the room, “I can turn to. My brother refuses to let me come home because he thinks I’m with you. I have no one, you dick. And you put the final nail in that coffin when you outed me to Kier and Declan!”