Page 16 of Iris' Lying Eyes
Stepping back, I shake my head. Is he dead? Why wouldn’t John use that as another scare tactic?
It doesn’t make sense.
John had what he wanted. Why go that far? It’s bad enough what he did to my aunt, which, deep down, I know is my fault.
I tried to get away. Look where that got her? Shivering, I wrap my arms around my middle. Am I endangering them all again?
“Iris, you were there. After you left with him, I went to the cabin. He was in a fucking hole,” Rain says, eyeing me stonily.
“A hole?” I ask before dropping my gaze. Could it be?
“Yes. What? What are you not saying?” Rain says, grabbing my arm.
The words tumble from my mouth, and I slam my hand over my lips. “John didn’t use the holes.”
“Then who did?” Cyn growls, pushing back his chair.
Reluctantly, I glance between them and say, “Hunter.”
“Who?” The deep tone brings me around and I stare wide-eyed at Bastion before throwing up my arms. I knew something was up. Dammit.
“Great!” With a snarl, I go to walk around him, but he grabs me up and holds me against his chest.
My skin flames when I feel his dick against my back, but my anger supersedes any desire. “Let me go,” I hiss.
His raspy chuckle sends a shiver down my spine. “You keep protesting, and I’m gonna think it’s me.”
“It is you,” I growl.
“Enough!” Cyn barks as Jig and Alice step through the door.
They show no surprise at Bastion’s presence, and I huff out a breath. Fuckers.
“Tell us about Hunter,” Bastion says, dropping me and pushing me away.
“No.” I set my jaw when Cyn comes barreling toward me but can’t suppress a squeak when Bastion spins me away and against the wall.
We lock eyes, and I bare my teeth at his glacial stare.
“No more games, Iris,” he grunts and I laugh, although it’s born of bitterness.
“It’s one big game, B.”
“Not anymore. You’ll tell me what I want to know.”
“Or what?” I growl, unamused by his dictates. I don’t answer to this fuck.
He leans in until his lips are brushing my ear. The soft caress makes me shiver but it all falls away when he whispers, “I can make you disappear.”
A chill slides down my spine and I pull back to search his gaze. There’s a hardness behind his eyes I’ve never seen before. What the hell is going on?
Whatever. It doesn’t matter. I’m not revealing shit.
His brows furrow at my silence, and I quirk my lips. “Maybe you can,” I say softly, “but you’re still not as dangerous as he is.”
His entire body stiffens, his hard chest brushing against mine. I ignore the wicked sensation though because he grabs my throat and says, “You will tell me what I want to know.”
“Or?” I’m baiting him, I know but I can’t wrap my brain around what’s going on.