Page 37 of Iris' Lying Eyes
His brows fly over his eyes and he steps into me until his chest brushes mine. Raising my chin, I stare him down, which only amuses him.
“Careful, girly.”
“Or what?”
Apparently, that got the reaction I wanted because his brows drop before he grabs my arm and shoves me toward a room beside the stairs. Maybe I should be running in the other direction but I’m walking a perilous line and to show weakness would only sweeten his need.
However I do put up a token struggle to no avail. I have no fucking resources, dressed like the slut he implied me to be, and I silently damn Bastion for carrying me out of that hotel in basically nothing.
The room is empty, no surprise, and I back away cautiously when he shuts the door behind him and stalks toward me.
“I don’t care who the fuck you think you are; you mouth off to me again, and I’ll take you up to the cabin and hunt you down like the mangy little pussy you really are.”
It’s one of the reasons I’ve avoided this crazy fucker. I know all too well that he enjoys picking up girls and taking them out to nowhere before setting them free so he can hunt them down.
Note: he doesn’t take them back to wherever he found them when he’s done.
With a wary look, I step away from him, clenching my jaw when he smiles. “Now, I have a message for you, little rabbit. John says hello.”
I curl my lips in an insincere smile and say, “Tell him to fuck off.”
Roman’s brows furrow and he eyes me before shrugging. “Whatever. But if John’s stupid little obsession interferes with my son, I’ll kill you both.”
With that, he stalks toward the door and opens it, pausing when Bastion looms on the other side.
He looks between us with a ferocious scowl before saying so softly I have to strain to hear. “Let me make myself clear. Iris is mine. If you touch her, you’ll regret it.”
The tension that fills the room after his statement claws at my skin. Bastion doesn’t so much as twitch. Finally, Roman chuckles before brushing past him. “Have at it. Her pussy is so used it should be on discount by now.”
Flinching, I raise my chin and muster a cold smile as I meet Bastion’s glare before he spins around, grabs his dad by the shoulder, and shoves him against the wall.
I can’t hear whatever he whispers in his dad’s ear, but I do know it enrages Roman because he looks at me with such venom, I do shiver this time. Fuck me.
Did Bastion just unknowingly sign my death warrant?
Roman nods and stalks away, leaving me with Bastion, who enters the room and closes the door behind him.
“You fucking with him?” Bastion demands, and even though I know I partially deserve it, I still will away the ache that invades my chest at his suggestion.
“Nope,” I say, popping the p.
His eyes narrow as he grabs my chin, but I wrench away from him. I’ve had it with the insults today. From that bitch at the house to Roman and now B?
I’m done.
“Iris,” he growls, and I shake my head. “Iris—”
“No, you listen,” I scream, and his eyes widen. I guess I’m going to lose my cool now. “Despite what you fuckers think, I hated it. I hated it so damn much.”
Covering my face, I roll my shoulders and bite back the sob on my lips. I’d rather die than cry in front of him. It’s bad enough that I’ve said a damn thing because it’s my pain, and I horde that shit like I’m a miner who’s just struck gold.
“Hated what?” He asks gruffly, pulling my hands from my face.
Averting my gaze, I stare at the ceiling and say dully, “Nothing.”
“Iris, tell me. Dammit.” He grabs my arms and I cry, “Tell you what?”
“Anything. Something. For fuck’s sake, can you be real for five fucking seconds?”