Page 37 of Lilacs and Leather
I shrug, not really in the mood for this conversation again. “How’s that guy from next door? Wes?” I redirect.
Gabby blushes and looks away. “He’s been great. We went to that concert, and I didn’t think I’d be into it, but it was actually a lot of fun.”
I smile fondly, listening as Gabby goes on about her new boyfriend. She’s been smitten, and I’m glad she’s found someone that can make her feel like the special woman she is. I have my reservations about him, but I doubt anyone will ever be good enough for my best girl.
“I don’t fucking know, Dean!”
My head snaps around toward the sudden shout, the voice vaguely familiar. Across the room, I see one baker deep in conversation with a man with long legs and a mop of dark hair. It takes me a moment to recognize Lucas, as his face is twisted into a harsh glare, so unlike the easy smile he wore when I first met him.
“What do you think that’s about?” Gabby mutters, perking up at the brewing drama unfolding before us.
The baker, Dean, is talking with his hands, waving wildly as he gets increasingly agitated, but his words are lost in the background hum of conversation. Lucas doesn’t back down, returning the heated words being flung at him without blinking. After a few more volleys, Dean throws his hands up and storms away. Lucas shakes his head and runs a hand through his hair, looking around with a deep frown. I don’t look away fast enough, and his eyes connect with mine. And, to my surprise, Lucas makes a beeline in my direction.
“Fancy seeing you here,” Lucas says by way of greeting when he’s close enough.
“I could say the same for you,” I return with a chuckle.
“Yeah, well, Dorothy got in a car accident this morning on her way in, and I drew the short straw.” Lucas sighs, running a hand through his hair again.
Gabby and I both straighten at his words and press a hand to my heart as it twists slightly. Lucas’s scent is edging into burnt marshmallows, and I have to resist the urge to put a hand to his arm to soothe his stress. Dorothy is the primary event coordinator here, and we’ve always gotten along, especially after I’d confided that she basically has my dream job. She’d even let me shadow her a few times when I had free time.
“Is she okay?” Gabby asks, concern painting her words.
“Yeah, but she’s still going to be out for the day. And Rebecca is working an event at Wickland House, so it’s been absolute madness while we try to find someone to handle the wedding,” Lucas says, dropping his voice as he glances around to make sure we aren’t being overheard.
“Lyds, you could do it,” Gabby says suddenly.
Lucas and I both whip our heads around to face her at the same time, and I feel the blood draining from my face, moisture disappearing from my mouth. I stare at Gabby, trying to get my brain to form a coherent response, but I’m not fast enough. Lucas turns his attention to me, and I can see his confused expression out of the corner of my eye.
“What do you mean?” he asks slowly.
“She went to school for event management. And she’s been helping Dorothy every now and then, so she knows your system. Right?” Gabby explains, eyes twinkling.
“Gabby, I-I can’t—”
“Wait, seriously? Lydia, can you please? I have no fucking clue what I’m doing, and Lex is going to kill me if I fuck this up,” Lucas cuts across, spinning to me.
He takes my shoulders in his hands, long fingers nearly touching as they splay across my back. I look up into his face, and I forget every word of protest that had been forming in my head. His stormy steel-blue eyes are shining with hope and excitement, and I can’t help but soften as his graham cracker and marshmallow scent floats down to me.
“I’ll need the file. And a headset,” I rasp, mind catching up and switching into gear.
Lucas sags, pulling me into his chest for a quick but tight hug. “I could fucking kiss you. Wait here. Thank you so much.”
Before I can say another word, Lucas dashes off, disappearing among the bodies. I turn back to Gabby and find her smirking knowingly at me. She’s been on my case to use my experience and schooling for something real for nearly as long as I’ve known her, but this is bold, even for her.
“You think you’re so fucking funny, don’t you,” I mutter with a half-hearted glare.
“You can thank me later when you’ve got a job offer in your inbox,” Gabby chirps, still smirking.
“You know who that was, right?” I deadpan.
“Should I?” Gabby asks, voice full of innocence as she bats her eyelashes at me.
I roll my eyes with a harsh scoff. “That’s Lucas Klausen, you conniving harpy. Rhett’s pack mate.”
Gabby blinks at me and has the gall to look surprised. But I can tell by the smirk she can’t seem to wipe off her face that she’s full of shit.
“Well, congrats. You’re now my assistant event coordinator. Hope you brought your running shoes,” I throw at her, smirking myself.