Page 40 of Lilacs and Leather
“I don’t need a piece of paper to know that the alphas I love are mine. And I could never choose between them anyway.” Lucas laughs.
I join him, my smile brightening. Lucas’s voice is warm and rich with feeling. I don’t know his other alpha, but I know Rhett enough that I can believe it. Rhett talks about Lucas a bit, and he always has the same rich, warm tone to his voice, the same besotted smile and sparkle in his eye.
“What about you?” Lucas asks after a heartbeat.
I shrug. “I like weddings, but I don’t know. Never really had anyone that I could see myself with for the long haul like that.”
“What about Rhett?” Lucas asks seriously.
I turn to look at him to find him staring intently at me. There isn’t any judgement in his eyes, just honest curiosity. I sigh, chewing on my lower lip as I consider my answer. I’ve only known Rhett a few weeks, so it’s hard to think about taking that sort of step when we haven’t even been intimate yet. And I wouldn’t want to infringe on his relationship with Lucas.
“We’re taking it slow. I know that y’all—you and him specifically, but the pack, too—have something special. I’m not… I’m new to all of this, having multiple partners. I don’t want to step on any toes, or anything like that. I’ve never been the jealous type, and sharing isn’t so bad, especially with someone like Rhett. I’m still adjusting,” I admit, feeling my face warm.
Lucas nods, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “I was the same way at first. But knowing that you’re just as important to him as everyone else he loves helps. Rhett has so much room in his heart, and it can fit all of us, I promise.”
“I still don’t know if I’d be okay with sharing him with just anybody,” I grumble, only half joking.
Lucas scoffs out a laugh. “I know exactly what you mean, Lydia.”
We lapse into silence, and I turn back to the altar, listening at the bride and groom exchange their vows. My shoulders relax and I brush a tear from my cheek. The joy and love in the room fills my heart near to bursting. I’d be surprised if there’s a dry eye anywhere in the crowd as the groom talks about how he knew Ella was the one for him from the first moment they met.
“He talks about you a lot, you know,” Lucas says when the groom finishes.
I don’t respond, waiting to hear where he’s going with this.
“I have to admit that I was curious what it was about you that has him so… enamored. But after today…”
He trails off, looking back to the altar as the couple exchanges rings. I smile, getting a little misty eyed as the couple says the words that bind them together forever. I feel a finger brush my hand and, when I don’t pull away, Lucas threads his fingers through mine. I curl my hand around his, enjoying the heat of it, the callouses and strength of his grip making my stomach flutter.
“I think you’re something special, too,” Lucas whispers.
Rhett: So I have good news and bad news, love. Which do you want first?
Me: Break my heart with the bad news, and then make me feel better with the good news.
Rhett: At the insistence of my sisters, I’m not going to be home until Friday. I want you to know that there was much crying and begging, but they forced me to relent when Mum got involved.
Me: Were they your tears or theirs?
Rhett: I plead the fifth.
Me: So what’s the good news?
Rhett: I will bear gifts upon my return.
Me: Gifts, plural?
Rhett: I plead the fifth.
Me: Seriously, Rhett. How many gifts?
Rhett: I’ll call later. Mason is awake, and I’m going to take over so Katie can take a shower.
I roll my eyes and shove my phone into my pocket with a huff. It’s been about a month and a half since Rhett helped me break my heat, and three weeks since the MacMillan wedding. We’d gone out a few more times, mostly to museums and galleries. Rhett is the biggest history nerd I’ve ever met, and going out with him is like having my personal tour guide. I’d especially loved our trip to the exhibit on Renaissance masters, and Rhett’s running commentary on all the devious things the artists were known to enjoy that are strangely glossed over in the textbooks.