Page 71 of Lilacs and Leather
“And you must be Lydia Anderson,” Alexandra replies, her sultry voice lilting with a transatlantic accent, one corner of her mouth pulling up in a smirk.
Her scent hits me a moment later, like warm spiced wine, and what little brain function I’d recovered disappears. My heart slams against the inside of my chest, trying to break free and fly into her hands. They’re all looking at me, and I blush a deep crimson as I realize I’ve been staring. I tuck my chin and look away at last, letting my hair fall in front of my face.
“You’ve broken her, Lex,” Mateo whines, and I feel his arms slide around my shoulders from behind the couch.
“Sorry,” I mumble.
“I’ve got your clothes if you want to change,” Rhett offers, but I can still hear the laughter in his voice.
I untangle myself from the blanket and Mateo, dashing across the room to take the bag. I give Rhett an apologetic but grateful look before hurrying toward his room.
“Is she okay?” I hear Alexandra ask as I move down the hall.
I close Rhett’s door before I can hear if anyone answers. I lean against it, hand on my forehead as I try to catch my breath. My heart is still beating like a hummingbird in my chest, and I swallow as my mouth goes dry. My embarrassment follows me into the bathroom, and my thoughts swirl with scolding remarks. I tip the bag out onto the long counter, pleased to see that Rhett included my toothbrush and my makeup bag with my clothes. I freshen up as I look over my options. A few dresses, but mostly comfy clothes. I decide on a short-sleeved green wrap dress that falls just below my knees. I tame the mess of my hair, braiding it back before throwing on a quick coat of eyeliner and mascara.
I’m giving myself a last once over when there’s a knock at the door. I step into the main room as Rhett opens the door, a sheepish smile on his face. He stops when he sees me, jaw going slack for a moment, before he visibly shakes himself and clears his throat.
“I just wanted to check on you. You seem a little…”
“I’m sorry. I’ve probably made a terrible first impression,” I whine, hiding my face in my hands.
Rhett chuckles, and I feel him wrap his arms around my shoulders and pull me against his chest. “It’s me who should apologize. I should have texted you to let you know we were coming up.”
“It’s fine. I just… well, I was just a little flustered. I can pull it together,” I say firmly, straightening my spine.
“Flustered?” Rhett questions, pulling away to cock an eyebrow at me.
I feel the blush creep across my chest under his scrutiny. “Well, Alexandra is… she’sreallypretty. I’d seen pictures, but…” I let out a low whistle.
Rhett throws his head back and laughs. “Is that all? Love, it’s okay,” he says, still laughing.
My face feels like it’s about to combust. “I’m sure she’s not… well, she’s got all y’all. And I’ve never even kissed a girl before,” I mutter, staring down at the chipping paint on my toes.
“You have nothing to worry about. Lucas and I are both attracted to you. Mateo’s queerer than a three-dollar bill. And Lex… gender isn’t a thing she considers, as she doesn’t sleep with anyone she doesn’t connect with. But I’m sure that once she gets to know you—”
“I’m so screwed,” I moan, my face and neck flushing hot all over again.
“Just relax, love. You’ve got Mateo wrapped around your little finger, and I’m not going anywhere. One step at a time, okay? Lucas is bringing some leftover catering home from an event, so we’re going to eat here together. It’s just dinner. No pressure whatsoever,” Rhett soothes, rubbing my arms as he holds me at arm’s length.
I take a few deep breaths. “I’m so underdressed,” I whisper, rolling my head back to stare at the ceiling.
The command in his tone draws my eyes back to his face. His brow is set in a stern line, but his eyes are tropical pools beneath them. I set my shoulders again, and it makes him smile.
“I’m not crazy, though, right? Alexandra is really,intimidatingly, pretty, or is that just me?” I question before I can stop myself.
“Oh, no. You are absolutely correct. She’s gorgeous,” Rhett responds seriously.
I deflate a little, biting my bottom lip and dipping my head. Rhett’s finger under my chin draws my line-of-sight back up to his.
“But so are you, love,” he whispers before leaning forward and pressing his lips to mine.
“Leftover catering” turns out to be a veritable buffet of foil trays.Lucas complains loudly as he unloads the food onto the kitchen island about how the client ordered enough to feed a small island nation, but only brought a couple dozen people to the event. There was enough left over for the event staff to take what they wanted and then some, and Lucas brought what would fit in one elevator ride, leaving the rest in the hotel employee break room.