Page 70 of Laurels and Liquor
As my mind drifts to that sack of shit, I sigh. I’ll have to talk to Lex after everything is over. I don’t know how she thought we wouldn’t notice the weird timing of everything, but something doesn’t add up. The Valencia might have some bad memories attached to it, but to sell it so suddenly, and to her father? And then Seth has a tragic fatal accident a few days after the sale is finalized, and the two people who have the strongest motive to kill him are conveniently out of town when it happens. I may have been born at night, but it wasn’t last night. And the worst of it all is that Lex is clearly trying to hide whatever she did.
I set about cooking some nutrient-dense finger foods, contemplating everything that I know and trying to puzzle out how I’m going to approach Lex without coming off like an asshole. I’m rolling dough out for biscuits when arms slide around my waist, and I breathe in mulled wine and orange peels. My body tenses for a moment before leaning back into her embrace, shivering as Lex kisses Rhett’s bond mark softly.
“What’s on your mind?” Lex mutters in my ear.
I shrug and sigh, not really sure how to put my worries into words. After Lex’s behavior right after we got back from New Orleans, it doesn’t seem entirely out of the realm of possibility that she’d pay to have Seth killed. And yeah, it’s worked out for the best, but could I really condone this type of behavior?
“I can feel you, Lucas. So I know you’re worried about something. Is it something with Lydia?” she pushes, turning me around to face her.
Looking up into her hazel eyes, my will crumbles. But before I can speak, the basement door opens again, and Rhett trots into view, brow furrowed slightly.
“I felt you, Luc. What’s wrong?” he asks quickly, striding over to me and Lex.
I sigh again, growing annoyed. I didn’t want to do this now, least of all with Rhett here. Lex might shut down altogether, and I can’t not know if she’s an accessory to murder.
“I was about to ask Lex how long she was going to lie to us about what happened with Seth,” I grit out, not bothering to beat around the bush.
I look at Lex as I speak, and the momentary flash of panic I feel through our bond is confirmation enough. She is hiding something, even if her face is the picture of shocked innocence.
“I don’t know what you’re talk—”
“Don’t try to lie, Lex. I know something’s screwy. Or you’re going to try to tell me that you decided to sell The Valencia to your father on a whim?” I throw back, rolling my eyes.
“Wait, you sold The Valencia?” Rhett interjects, turning his shocked stare onto her.
Lex stumbles for a moment, and there’re several flashes of emotions, all passing too quickly for me to really identify other than the undercurrent of fear. I reach out and take her hand, pressing my lips to the palm tenderly.
“Whatever you did, I don’t care. What really hurts is you hiding from us again,” I say emphatically.
Lex’s eyes water, and she looks away, pressing her lips into a thin line. I push support and comfort down the bond, and I can feel Rhett doing the same, using my connection with Lex to show her he still cares about her and isn’t mad, just concerned. Lex chuckles ironically, a tear slipping free.
"I'll never get used to that," she mutters, wiping it away before either Rhett or I can.
“What? Feeling that we love you regardless of the stupid decisions you make?” I tease, and I’m rewarded with her true smile.
“Yeah. And it’s not as bad as you’re probably thinking. Seth’s not dead,” she says.
Rhett and I look at each other, and I swallow roughly. Until this moment, I thought Lex paying for someone to murder her ex was the worst-case scenario. I hadn’t considered that she would fake his death, and somehow, that’s worse.
“So he’s still out there, and could come back at any moment?” Rhett presses, and his panic simmers just on the edge of our connection.
I push a wave of calm in his direction, even if I’m not really feeling so calm myself. I swallow as I absorb, trying to think of what to say next. A pulse of deep shame comes from her, and I reach out and pull her into my chest.
“It’s not like that, Lex. I just worry that he’s never going to leave us be, that’s all,” I soothe, holding her tight to my chest.
She relaxes as she senses the sincerity in my words, and Rhett pushes his agreement through me to her. He envelops us both in an embrace, and I relax despite myself.
“I’ve put safeguards in place. The agreement is that I won’t bother him again and he won’t bother us, but my cousin Gideon is keeping tabs on him. I’m getting regular updates, so if Seth makes any suspicious moves, we’ll know,” Lex says.
“And nothing is going to come back to us?” Rhett questions seriously.
Lex nods. “I’ve been very careful about this. And I do regret not telling you, but I was trying to protect us. Mateo had to know because we needed to break our bonds. But I didn’t want you to have to lie for me. And if worse came to the worst, and we got charged, pack mates can be compelled to testify against each other. Bond mates can’t.”
I frown, and despite my better judgment, I do have to give her credit where it’s due. Her actions were extreme, but it’s not like we had much choice left. Even if Seth went to prison, that didn’t automatically mean their bonds would be dissolved. This way, we’re free to move on so long as Seth keeps to the terms of this agreement.
“You’re going to tell Lydia when this is over. Not now, but after we’re all bonded and she can feel what I’m feeling and understand why you did it,” I say at last.
She nods, and the relief coming from her is palpable. I kiss the top of her head and look up to Rhett, and I see my own wariness in his blue orbs. Seth can’t be trusted, and we know that while Lex is pragmatic, she tends to hope for the best while preparing for the worst. I want to believe that this peace will last, but we’ve been burned by that sociopath too many times. Only time will tell who is right, and I can only hope like hell it won’t be me.