Page 83 of Laurels and Liquor
“I’m not sure exactly how much your wife told you about what she’s been doing over the last few years, but it doesn’t exactly paint a picture of a worried mother,” Lex drawls, a challenging look flashing in her hazel eyes.
Samuel doesn’t answer right away, and I have to stop myself from moving to look at his face. Lex has backed him into a corner with no way out. He either has to admit that he wasn’t in charge, and the wife he’s supposed to rule over acted without his knowledge or consent, or he has to admit that he was fully aware of the smear campaign and harassment she orchestrated. Either way, not a good look. Especially as Lydia stares at her father, eyes glassy with unshed tears as she waits for confirmation of things she has only ever been able to speculate about. And the longer he stays silent, the worse it looks for him.
Diane scoffs a sarcastic chuckle. “I’m not sure what you’re trying to accuse me of—”
“Oh, how discourteous of me. I would hate for there to be any misunderstandings, so allow me to enlighten you,” Lex says, shifting forward to rest on her elbows, looking down the table. “You pretended your daughter was a missing person to stop her from rightfully claiming her trust fund, because you thought you were entitled to it. You tried to convince her to return home for the express purpose of marrying and mating her abuser, again in an effort to get your hands on that money and whatever other kickbacks that sack of rotting horse shit promised you. When that didn’t work, you colluded with my pack’s ex-omega to stalk, harass and, I believe, ultimately force Lydia into a bond with Mr. McLaughlin against her will. And now, as a last-ditch effort, you’ve convinced your lawyer and your husband that you’re owed over ten million dollars in an alpha dowry for a daughter who was never more than a pawn for you to sell to the highest bidder. Is that clear enough for you, Diane? Or did I miss anything?”
“You forgot about how she knew Darren’s plan to rape me on that Christmas Eve, when I refused his proposal, and forced me back to him anyway,” Lydia pipes up, not looking at her parents but at her lap.
“My apologies, sweetness. How could I forget a mother not only ignoring her daughter’s distress, but adding to it?” Lex says, petting Lydia’s hair in comfort while continuing to glare at Samuel and Diane.
“How dare you—”
“Silence,” Samuel snaps, and even I can feel the ripple of power as the word cracks through the air like a whip. “As far as I was aware, Lydia wasn’t in distress, and was staying with friends of Jason’s. There was some sort of work placement she’d received, and would be coming home when her contract expired.”
I rock back onto my heels as the wave of realization hits me. Jason isn’t looking at his parents, but instead is staring at a spot on the table, eyes a thousand miles away. Lydia swallows hard, lifting her chin as she comes to the same conclusions as the rest of us. Samuel Anderson Sr. might not have been a part of Diane’s schemes at all. Instead, she’s been lying for over five years to keep him out of the way while she made my omega’s life a living hell.
I don’t know if there’s a place low enough in hell for that woman to rot.
“Partially true. I was staying with Jason’s friend, but I was hiding from Darren. I lived in fear of the day you found out where I was, when you would call the police to drag me back to him,” Lydia replies bitterly, pulling me out of the beginnings of my rage spiral.
“I thought you were… taking some time apart. That things were…” Samuel trails off, and I can practically hear the wheels turning in his head. I can only fathom how many lies he’s been fed over the years, and what’s now starting to look a little different with this new information.
“Samuel, you can’t possibly believe this. All of this for what, money? They’re just spinning tales to get out of paying what we’re rightfully owed,” Diane says, a noticeable edge of panic to her words.
“Whose idea was it to have Lydia sign an NDA?” Rhett asks harshly. “Was it you, Diane? Too afraid of what Lydia knows, what so-called tales she could tell about you and what you did to her? Or was it someone else’s idea?”
Diane sputters and pushes back from the table, and to my surprise, Samuel doesn’t stop her. “I don’t have to sit here and listen to this in my own home. What do you faithless deviants know about anything? Just whatever my ungrateful children have told you. They can’t possibly understand what I’ve done, what I had to do to keep them walking the correct path.”
“You wanted me to bond with a man who beat me regularly, Diane! He raped me over and over, and would have carved my mating mark from my skin in the bathroom at Sammy’s wedding if Rhett didn’t stop him,” Lydia cries, getting to her feet and slamming her hands on the table.
There’s a little inhale from over my shoulder, and I realize that Sammy is back from putting his wife to bed, standing out of sight as he listens. Judging by the look on his face, it seems that details of his wedding reception were kept from him. I don’t draw attention to him, but it’s good that he’s hearing this directly from the source. Samuel Sr. is looking between his wife and daughter as they volley back and forth, growing steadily paler by the moment. I don’t know if I should go to my omega, to soothe the hurt in her soul, or if I should teach Diane a lesson in manners.
“You’ve always been an unruly, disobedient child, so it wouldn’t surprise me if you need a firm hand to guide you—”
A chorus of growls fills the room from my pack, and I stand up straight, ready to show this woman how firm my hand can be. Caleb is there at Lydia’s side as she stares in mute horror at her mother, her shock rippling tangibly through our bond.
“The past isn’t why we’re here, Ms. St. Clair. We want to put this behind us so we can live our lives, and Lydia can live hers,” Samuel says, trying to deescalate the tension in the room.
“And I’m sure a multi-million-dollar payday will make it so much easier to sleep at night. How could you not know what was going on, what was happening to me?” Lydia shouts, words wavering with unshed tears.
“This is how these things are done. I’m not sure what else you wanted me to do.” Samuel sighs, and he has the audacity to sound annoyed with Lydia for asking a fair question.
“You can get your fucking harpy of a wife under control, for a start,” Lucas says acidly.
Samuel stands and points an angry finger at our beta, who is still lounging on the island, one leg crossed over the other as he leans back on his hands. The picture of nonchalance, but with the way his foot is bouncing, that picture is about as fragile as his patience.
“Mind your tone and show some respect, boy,” Samuel snarls, showing anger for the first time.
Rhett is on his feet now, but I’m faster. Three strides and I’m there between the alpha and my beta, spine stiff and hands curled into fists at my sides. Samuel blinks, as if he’d forgotten me in the chaos.
Before I can speak, Lucas just rolls his eyes. “I’ll get right on that,” Lucas sighs, almost sounding bored.
“We’re not paying the dowry. You will never get another dime from me or my pack, so help me God,” Lydia declares firmly.
Samuel turns back to his daughter, and my eyes lock on Rhett, muscles coiled to step in and intervene if things get physical, but an almost inhuman shriek draws the eyes of everyone in the room. Diane is visibly shaking with rage, but with her back to me, I can only imagine the look on her face. Whatever it is, Lex stands at last and takes a half step toward Lydia, her perfectly groomed brows pulled down.
“After everything I’ve done for you, you are going to stand there and pretend like you’re better than us?” Diane fumes, pacing toward her daughter.