Page 20 of Her Only Salvation
Chapter Eight
“So, um, why can’t I stay at a hotel again?” Terri picked at an imaginary piece of lint on her pant leg while she waited for Luke to answer. She had assumed that “leaving” meant relocating, like, to a hotel. She hadn’t realized what he really meant was that she would be staying with him. Now, as they drove down dark and twisting roads trying to avoid the congested main streets, she wondered what she would have to do to get out of this mess. It was completely unprofessional.
Luke passed her a look of exasperation. “Terri, you know why. If you go to a hotel it will be too easy for him to find you. Security isn’t something the Motel 6 is really concerned with, and besides, it’s a dump. You do not want to stay there.”
The tone in his voice made Terri wonder if Luke had been there before. She certainly never had, and by the way he curled his lip up disdainfully, she supposed she shouldn’t want to either.
“But still,” she pressed on. “I don’t think it’s really appropriate for me to be staying in my boss’s house, do you? It’s bad enough that you will have to drive me to work tomorrow since I had to leave my car behind, and once the girls get a load of that, they’re going to talk.” She turned worried eyes on him. “I don’t fit in as it is, Luke. This is going to make things so much worse.”
Luke glanced her way several times before reaching out and placing a reassuring hand on her knee. “You let me handle everything. No worries.”
She couldn’t see how that was possible, but his warm smile eased her somewhat and Terri relaxed back in the seat and turned her head to stare out the window. There was no point in arguing. Luke was determined to see things done his way. From what little she knew about him, she could tell that he was a very capable and trustworthy man, and if he said not to worry, she would try not to.
Luke didn’t live in a house in some quaint little neighborhood with picket fences and immaculate lawns. Instead, he drove her clear into the country, the city lights fading into the distance until they were nothing but memory. Luke turned the car onto a path cut between dense copses of trees barely visible from the road, one that only a person well-acquainted with the landscape would ever recognize.
It was dark as pitch, making the dim glow from the dash controls seem almost glaring.
And thank God for headlights. They cut a narrow path down the middle of a pitted, packed dirt road that had Terri gripping the sides of her seat so she wouldn’t hit her head on the roof.
Terri had always wanted to be adventurous and, just once, take the scenic route through life, but now that she was on it, it didn’t seem nearly as glamorous. Just when she thought the ride would never end, the path broke open to reveal a modest house with a peaked roof and low hanging porch.
“You live here?” Terri asked as she studied her surroundings.
“I should hope so. Otherwise, someone is about to get a big surprise when we walk in the front door.” Terri flashed him a look of annoyance. “It was my grandfather’s,” he explained. “He died a few years ago, and rather than let it get sold off or torn down, I bought it. It’s a great house.”
She could see that it was. Well-built, sturdy, perfectly aged to blend with its surroundings, she could imagine that it would be like a slice of paradise compared to city life.
Tucking the car into a bare area next to the house that she assumed acted as a regular parking space; Luke cut the engine and got out of the car. Before she had a chance to open the door herself, he was there, offering her his hand. Smiling, she took it, and allowed him to pull her from the car.
“Someone taught you manners,” she said appreciatively, then backed up a couple steps so he could fish around in the back seat for her bags.
“Mothers are good for that sort of thing,” came his gruff reply. Ducking his head to clear the opening as he backed out, he rose to his full height and offered her a boyish grin. He held out his hand to her again. “Shall we?”
Terri nodded and absently slipped her hand into his, then followed him up a set of wooden stairs that creaked under their weight.
“You really should leave a light on,” she said, echoing his earlier words to her. “You never know who’s lurking in the shadows.”
Luke grinned as he slid his key into the lock and pushed the door open wide. “You’re funny, Terri. Very funny,” he said, his voice ringing with good humor. “Welcome to my humble abode.” Together they stepped inside and Terri watched as Luke walked around the room, clicking on lamps as he went and filling the small space with warmth.
Luke looked so massive, his large frame overpowering the room. She studied his profile, her eyes tracing the strong lines of his jaw and the curve of his full lips. Bending to flip on a squat television straight out of the seventies, the room suddenly filled with the low murmur of a nightly sports newscast, and for some inexplicable reason, she noticed that his dark hair curled up against his shirt collar, making her fingers itch to reach out and touch it. He was lovely to look at, and not for the first time did she wonder what it might be like to be cared for by a man of his caliber.
A secret smile curved her lips and she made herself look away. No use in pining after something you couldn’t, and shouldn’t, have.
When she finally did look up, Terri found herself looking into Luke’s denim-blue eyes reflected in a large mirror hanging on the wall, and a furious blush rose up to color her cheeks. When their eyes locked, Luke lifted one amused eyebrow and a knowing smirk tilted one corner of his mouth.
Desperate to shake her embarrassment and shift the focus away from her, Terri asked, “So, uh, you live in the woods, huh?”
Luke smiled proudly. “It’s the best worst place I could imagine.”
“Alone?” Terri asked, trying not to sound too interested, and failing. “No girlfriend or anything to keep you company?”
His shoulders lifted and fell. “Company is overrated. After working the club all night, I find that I like the quiet all the more.”
Terri’s gaze fell to her feet—ignoring the giddy feeling that bubbled just below the surface at his answer—as she sifted through her brain for something to say other than the questions that she wanted to ask. Like, if he didn’t like company, then why had he brought her here? And how did a guy like him manage to not have a girlfriend? She figured someone like him would have been snapped up the second he stepped foot out of the nest. The longer her brain churned the more questions she asked herself, until she began to grow suspicious. What was wrong with a guy his age, without any romantic connections, who lived in a house in the middle of nowhere? Something had to be up, because for some reason she had a really tough time viewing Luke as anything less than comfortable in his own skin.
There was one other option that Terri had never considered, and she was aware that asking it could be an incredibly insensitive and tactless, but, well, Terri was the one alone in the woods with a man who, aside from being her boss, she didn’t really know anything about.