Page 24 of Her Only Salvation
He was sure she was working, though he hadn’t been able to confirm it yet. When he stopped by the Sunset last night, the sleek black Mercedes was parked in its usual space at the back of the building, but that hadn’t been all. A figure slipped through the long line, flashed his wallet and went in without issue. Worse, he recognized the face.
The man was a detective that worked the crime division and was someone Randy was well acquainted with. Seemed the detective had a real aversion to men who knew how to control their women properly, which made them enemies of sorts. No doubt, the punk he’d been forced to cut down recently had brought him here, which meant that Randy needed to make himself scarce for a while.
On his way out of the parking lot, Randy did a quick visual scan, but Terri’s car was nowhere to be found, which could only mean one of two things. Either she wasn’t showing up to work, or she was getting a ride from someone else. And he could just bet who that someone might be.
Stepping down from the cab, Randy crossed the darkened street and marched up the drive to the lonely ranch like he belonged there. And very soon, he would. He didn’t bother with the back door this time, instead preferring to go through the front. Closing himself around the door to block any potential nosey neighbors from seeing what he was up to, Randy jimmied the simple lock with the point of his new pocket knife, a smile creeping across his face when the door opened easily.
Every room in the house was plunged into darkness, confirming his suspicions that Terri hadn’t been home in a while. A small pang of disappointment washed over him. He didn’t know what he expected to find exactly. Part of him was hoping to find her, maybe do a little ‘honey, I’m home’ action, that way they could get started on reconciling their relationship, but it was obvious that would have to wait.
He did a quick sweep of the house, finding absolutely nothing, which did nothing to spark his temper compared to the feeling he got when he opened the door to the attached garage and found her car sitting there, cold and unused. This left him under no illusions as to where she was and who she was with.
Rage colored his vision red as he stormed into the garage and picked up a shovel standing in the corner against the wall. Lifting it over his head, he brought the business end down on the hood, creating a large dent right in the middle. He worked his way around the car, taking his anger out on the side panels, windows, and taillights, until the car looked like it had been in a demolition derby.
He wasn’t done.
Chest heaving, Randy selected a can of black spray paint from a nearby shelf and studied the wreck for the best place to start. When he found it, he shook the can vigorously, popped the cap off and got to work. Terri may think she had gotten one over on him, but she would soon find out that Randy Cunningham was not one to be fooled around with. This time, he was going to send a message that Terri couldn’t ignore.