Page 11 of Marked for Death
She hadn’t known him long, but it was easy to figure him out. The man who thought he wasn’t worth anything was everything she’d ever dreamed of having in a man. Running around in leather and doing God only knew what didn’t mitigate the fact that he was intelligent, insightful, funny, passionate, and breathtakingly dominant. A woman would have to be comatose not to see how he easily cut through all the crap and got straight to the point. After everything he’d been through, it was a testament to his strength.
Tiffany liked his suggestion about stealing a moment just for herself a little too much. Regardless of the positive spin she normally put on her life in order to make it bearable, the truth of the matter was things had been pretty damn rough.
Moving three times inside five years, struggling to get in a semester beforehecaught up with her, and the stress of never knowing when he was going to show up or how long he was going to toy with her before he showed himself was really taking a toll on her.
She desperately needed just one moment of the intimacy she craved to get along. That Ryder had the same feelings was like a sign from God. He was right about it being something to hold onto to get through the long, sleepless nights. Maybe she should just loosen up and grab her one moment of happiness before things went to shit again.
~ Ryder ~
It was just his fuckin’ luck to have the hots for a woman who clearly wanted no part of his irresponsible ass. Didn’t know why he tried to kiss her, knowing she’d never see him as anything more than a dirty biker. Nice women always had their preconceived ideas about his kind.
Ryder was so sick of his life always being filled to capacity with the wrong kind of women. The club whores were all the same. Each had some sad story to tell, and none of them were quite right in the head. They weren’t the kind of women a man could settle down with and trust his heart to or trust to raise his kids. His club brothers had learned that the hard way. Even the club president had been burned, coming home to find his woman in bed with the mailman. Who in their right mind fucked their mailman?
Shit, he was almost as pathetic, having the hots for his new nurse. He needed to stop thinking of her as a possibility and get his head screwed on straight. She worked at the hospital to fuckin’ help people, not to be taken advantage of by her patients.
The pretty brunette was destined for the arms of a nice doctor or lawyer, not an ignorant biker. Ryder had saved every cent he’d ever made to afford a home and family. It was one of the reasons the club whores chased his ass so diligently.
He’d held out, waiting to find someone special. Ryder was the kind of man who understood that, when it came to women, half the battle was knowing what you wanted in a life partner. He wanted someone sweet, strong, and classy. The rest was a combination of preparing for the life he dreamed about, recognizing when a woman had the right stuff and then engaging with her enough to be sure she was the one.
He had enough in the bank to buy a nice house and fill it with all the things a woman needed to live a comfortable life. Unlike the majority of his club brothers, he was sick and tired of sleeping with tramps and groupies. If he was ever lucky enough to land a wife, he’d make it a point to treat her right.
The last thing he wanted was to see tears in his woman’s eyes. He wanted to see something soft and righteous. His gut twisted as he realized he wanted love.
Sinking down into a rolling chair, he leaned back and tried to sleep. This was as close to safe as his life was likely to get anytime soon. He’d be a fool not to take advantage of the locked door.
Slipping off into a deep slumber, he dreamed of the thing he’d probably never have. In his dream world, he had a beautiful, willing woman in his arms. Though they had their eyes closed and were kissing, he knew instinctively who the woman was. Her light floral cologne and the taste of her cherry lip gloss gave it away.
His hand slid through her long brunette hair, and he just enjoyed the moment. In his dream world, hands skimmed over him, setting off a wave of need fiercer than any he’d known before. Her hands drifted down to his pants. Apparently, in his dream, he was wearing scrubs as well, ‘cause she pulled the elastic waist down beneath his junk. The moment her delicate hands landed on his cock, his eyes sprung open.
“You got a thing for molesting innocent, hard-workin’ bikers, doll?”
Her lips were hot on his neck as she whispered her reply. “Didn’t want you to think I wasn’t interested. The kiss was just…”
Trailing off, she left him to fill in the blank. The realization hit him like a freakin’ ton of bricks that his kiss had apparently put her into a tailspin of sorts. He knew nice women were easy to rattle, but he just never thought himself capable of doing the rattling. A huge tidal wave of lust hit him hard and fast.
“Give me your mouth, darlin’. I need it.”
Nodding, she slid to her knees in front of him. Swallowing hard, he wondered if he was still dreaming. Her warm, wet mouth closing over his heated flesh banished that thought from his head. This woman was putting her all into it, taking him deep and swirling her tongue around the head as she sucked at him.
Grabbing a handful of her hair, he guided her up and down his cock, careful to avoid choking her on its massive length. The visual of seeing himself sliding in and out of her mouth tore him up. Then one delicate hand closed around his ball sack and she squeezed him gently.
“Fuck.” He hissed the words as he filled her pretty little mouth with his seed, rocking him to his core. She was everything a woman should be, and he wanted to bury his face between her legs in the worst way. “Come, it’s your turn. I’m gonna lick you ‘til you can’t even walk.”
Laughing, she stood and leaned over, kissing him again. “As sweet as that offer is, I have to get back. Rest. You only have a couple of hours before shift change.”
The side of his mouth tilted up and he relaxed back into the chair again, feeling all the muscles in his body loosen. “Whatever you say, doll. Thanks for lending me those sweet lips. You got no idea how much I needed that.”
Smiling indulgently, she replied, “I can’t imagine a big, sexy guy like you has to go without very often.”
Reaching out and grabbing her by the nape of the neck, he pulled her down for another kiss. “Ain’t never had a problem with quantity. ‘Til now, the problem has always been quality.”
Her answering smile was soft and sexy, just like the woman it belonged to. “Careful, I’m starting to think you’re just a big old sweetie.”
“I’d always be sweet to you, doll.”
“Bet you’re a man of your word.”
Something about how she said that made him believe she thought them to be true.