Page 7 of Marked for Death
“What’s that stench filling the room?”
“The smell of burning flesh, I imagine. I barely notice things like that anymore. Look, your loved one got transferred to ICU. You are going to have to go there if you want an update on his condition.”
To anyone else’s ears, the nurse’s words and tone of voice might have sounded casual and professional, particularly in this environment. Ryder wasn’t fooled by her fake calm, though, because he could hear the echo of fear and desperation hidden beneath the surface of her easygoing demeanor. It was like a siren’s call, beckoning him to detach himself from his current circumstance and focus on defending her from the treacherous man standing before her.
The deep voice was rough and harsh. “I want to see his chart.”
“Sorry, sir, St. Mary’s is not authorized to allow that. If you want information on Mr. Thomas, you will have to speak to the physician. If Mr. Thomas wishes you to be privy to his medical information, he can sign a written release. As I said, he was transferred to ICU almost an hour ago.”
Pausing long enough to seem confused, she asked, “Did you say you were a member of the immediate family?” Her crisp reply revealed a deep-seated ability to hide her true feelings. It was enough to make Ryder wonder where such an innocent young woman might have acquired such a jaded trait.
Instead of answering her, the contemptuous man stalked back out of the bay, and his footsteps soon faded into the distance. Her footsteps faded as well, and Ryder assumed she was making sure the man had exited the building.
Immediately, Ryder pushed the cabinet door open and took a deep, cleansing breath. Grabbing one ankle, he pulled it awkwardly out to rest on the cold, institutional flooring. Repeating the process with the other foot, he used his good arm to grab the top of the cabinet and began hoisting himself up.
Within minutes, his new partner rushed back into the room and yanked the curtain closed behind her, concealing them from view. She ran to his side, draped his arm over her shoulder, and helped him up. Ryder didn’t have it in him to object when she eased him down onto the bed.
“Did he leave the premises?” Surprised at the harsh and raspy sound of his own voice, he realized he was not doing nearly as well as he’d originally thought.
“Yes. I watched him get into a pickup truck and drive away. Someone told him we were on diversion and that meant his loved one could have been taken to another area hospital.”
“Once he figures out I ain’t in one of them, he’ll circle back around.”
Her voice was calm, but her wide eyes gave away her fear. “I know how men like him are. I could see it in his eyes. He’s not going to give up looking for you.”
As a result of her refusal to leave him to his fate, critical thinking, and her astonishing courage in the face of danger, Ryder had to admit that he was becoming fascinated with the diminutive nurse. In fact, he had a hard time keeping the open admiration from his voice when he spoke to her.
“You are one smart little bitch. Now you see why I need to get outta here before he realizes his mistake.”
Smiling slightly back at him, she chewed her bottom lip, seemingly mulling the situation over in her mind. “Agreeing is not particularly helpful. You’re bleeding around your sutures and are in no condition to leave. Can’t you see that?”
Nodding, he stood again and tried to take a step toward her as he kept eye contact. “Hell yes, I can see how foolish it is to leave when I’m bleeding and unstable on my feet, but what you need to see is that we got no fuckin’ choice.”
“Mr. Staunton…” Walking over to him, she helped steady him on his feet instead of forcing him back down onto the bed.
In his humble opinion, that was yet more progress, since she didn’t appear to be on automatic pilot anymore where he was concerned.
“Call me Ryder.” His head was still throbbing, and his fingers were half numb, but he wanted to hear his name on her lips. Taking a deep breath, he allowed his eyes to drift from her face down to her chest, landing on her name badge.Tiffany Stone, RN. Looking up to recapture her eyes, he spoke quietly. “Miss Tiffany, if I’m going to survive, I need your help.”
“I don’t know how I can be any more help than I already have in this situation. I’m just a nurse.”
He hated seeing the fear so clearly stamped on her attractive face as she gazed up at him.
Cupping her face in his hands, he tried to communicate the urgency of his need. Meeting her eyes, his words were sincere when he told her, “I can’t be found here, electronically or physically. You are the only person I have right now. Will you help me?”
After facing off with the estranged man, Ryder could tell that his open honesty affected her, softening her to his request.
“Look, doll, you were amazing. How often do you get the chance to match wits with a killer while a man’s life hangs in the balance?”
Ignoring his attempt at humor, she replied thoughtfully, “Fine, Ryder. This is my last day at this job, so I’ll take a chance for you. Updating your information in our database shouldn’t be too difficult, since we have identity issues with our patients off and on. If I don’t modify that information, they might give him information on you if they think he’s family.
“Him coming here again is too much of a risk for you and the other patients we’re treating, so it’s a lesser of two evils kind of choice for me. In fact, we might be able to stash you in one of the empty offices in the back for the night, then on the off chance that he comes barreling back in here, he won’t find you lying helpless on your back.”
Grabbing her by the arm, he whispered, “You’re a woman after my own heart.”
Ignoring his gentle flirting, she placed a warm hand on his chest and eased him back again. “I’ll be back when things calm down, gorgeous. In an hour or so, it’ll be a ghost town out there. You’ll likely be transferred to another hospital in the morning. They won’t want to discharge you in your condition.”
“I need my…personal effects.”