Page 13 of Fighting Dirty
Ryder jerked his chin at his old man. “Rose likes him.”
“I ain’t gonna second a motion, but I’ll abstain from the vote. Even though I know it ain’t right to hold his brother’s shit against him, I just can’t vote him in.”
Darkness sighed. “We have a long-standing tradition of there being a unanimous vote to approve new members. However, that’s not written into the bylaws. Since there is no rule against abstaining, and in this case, there are extraordinary circumstances, I will allow it.”
Hickory quickly chimed in. “I second the motion.”
Darkness intoned, “All those in favor, say yea.”
Everyone sounded off.
“All those opposed, say nay.”
There was silence in the room.
Hitting the gavel, Darkness said, “The yeas have spoken. As of this moment, Ace is a full-fledged member of the Blind Jacks MC.” Seeming tired, he added, “Now, unless we have some other new business to attend to, I’m calling for adjournment.”
As everyone started filing out, Hickory, the club’s VP, walked up with a stack of papers. “Found this on the printer. It seems Ace has signed himself up for a college class.”
Snagging the information, Ryder practically danced out to the bar. Dropping a kiss on Tiffany’s lips, he sat down beside her. Nodding his head in Ace’s direction, he asked, “Guess what our boy’s been up to?”
Eyeing the papers he laid on the bar, she leaned over and whispered, “That was me. The pretty redheaded doctor isn’t really a medical doctor. She’s Dr. Reynolds’ ex-wife. She’s a professor over at the college.”
“Lemme guess, she’s got a Ph.D. in archeology or some such shit,” he drolled.
Nodding, she grinned. “He seems a little preoccupied with her.”
“So, you thought you’d meddle in a brother’s personal life? That shit ain’t right, kitten.”
“You do it all the time. Besides,” she countered, “I thought he wasn’t a brother until he got patched.”
He couldn’t deny that she had a point. Swiveling his head around, Ryder shouted, “What’s a brother got to do to get a drink around this stinking hole?”
Ace slid into place, staring down at his friend. “You aren’t used to waiting your fucking turn, are you?”
“No, I’m not,” Ryder groused. “I’m supposed to have a special bottle of whiskey under the counter.”
“Found it. Is this package yours as well?” Setting the bottle on the counter with a glass, Ace waited for Ryder’s response.
“Nope, it’s yours.”
Wrinkling his nose, Ace looked between Ryder and Tiffany. “Is this gift giving at the wrong time of year a couple’s thing? Because it feels like it.”
“Just open the damn package so I can pour my drink.”
Shaking his head, Ace tore the brown paper off the box and pulled the flaps open. Looking inside, he smiled—a genuine smile that made Ryder feel happy for his friend.
Picking the cut up, Ace turned it around for everyone to see. “You’re a little premature in your gifting, aren’t you?”
Sidling up to the bar, Darkness joined them and grabbed the whiskey, opened it, and began pouring glasses. “You got the vote. Put it on and get a prospect behind the bar, ‘cause as of now, shit like pouring drinks and wiping down counters ain’t for you, brother.”
For the first time ever that Ryder could remember, Ace couldn’t keep the smile off his face. Ryder could tell he was trying, but it kept coming back with a vengeance.
Darkness handed him a shot and held up his glass. “A toast to our newest patched brother. To ride the open road is a right. To do it in club colors is a privilege. Blind Jacks MC may be blind to all the shit the outside world throws our way, but never to each other.”
Ryder raised his voice and his glass. “Hear, hear. I’ll drink to that.”
All twenty brothers drank their shot and slammed their glass on the floor behind the bar, creating one hell of a mess. Everyone took turns congratulating Ace and thumping him on the back. Even Ven did the right thing. Ryder knew it cost his father something to stretch his hand across the way for Ace, and it made him respect his old man that little bit more.