Page 45 of Fighting Dirty
Ryder’s voice turned steely. “Well, I’m solving my problems one bitch at a time. First, I’ll take care of the one sitting in the basement of our clubhouse, and next I’ll deal with that punk-ass bitch of an ex-husband of yours.”
Something about the resolve in his voice sent a chill down Tiffany’s spine.
~ Ryder ~
Riding twenty deep to the meet up with the Seven Devils, they kept to secondary roads in order to avoid being noticed. Ryder mentally ran through the details of his plan one more time. Confident that he’d covered all the bases on this one, he knew this could only go down one way. Even his old man and Hickory approved each and every action point. Feeling his rifle bouncing slightly against his leg, Ryder gripped his ape bars tighter.
Pulling up at the old warehouse, they waited for the Seven Devils to show up by boat. What kind of MC showed up to face off with a rival club on a fucking speedboat anyway? The thought of watching them crawl off their little boat instead of riding in like men on their hogs almost made him laugh.
It had been almost a full month since Darkness had been shot. Abby had lost what little was left of her mind more than once over her prolonged, uninvited stay. Sitting in that jail cell all by herself with only a pillow and blanket served her right, in Ryder’s humble opinion. It would teach the ignorant bitch not to come sniffing around the Blind Jacks MC next time her little Honey Bear was short of cash.
What the hell kind of man let his woman call him Honey Bear? Probably the same kind of ignorant fuck who thought it was a great idea for his woman to get pregnant by the president of a rival MC on the off chance it might get him a little leverage. Ryder was going to have a hard time keeping a straight face during the meetup, now that he knew just how ridiculous Devil really was.
Rolling onto the property, his brothers took up formation around the property. Cork dragged a kicking and screaming Abby out of an old, beat-up truck. No brother trusted the bitch on the back of his bike, and Ryder could hardly blame them. However, Cork was none too happy about being the one tasked with riding in a cage. Tossing her onto the gravel in front of them, he stalked back to his truck, pulled out his rifle, and took up a protective stance with the other brothers.
“Tell your ugly stinking men to keep their damn hands off me,” Abby snarled. “God, I hate your entire crew. If it were up to me, you’d all end up—”
Ryder hauled her up by one arm and peered into her face. “I hate to interrupt you during you’re crazy time, but we’re trying to work a deal here. Would you mind shutting the fuck up?”
“Your club brothers think they can do anything they want with me because I’m a woman,” she spat back. “I’m not here for their enjoyment.”
“Don’t know what kind of shit you think you’re starting, but you need to know your cell was wired and that truck you rode here in has a dash cam. We can account for every single minute you were with us and prove that you got fed three times a day and guzzled down water bottles right, left, and center. You were treated well by my club, and I know for a fact that no damn brother touched you.”
Staring up at him, she mumbled, “There were times—”
“No, there were not times when the cameras weren’t on you, so don’t go there,” he warned her. “I’d be happy to send all that footage to Devil, including the parts where you volunteered to blow your guards in exchange for treats.”
She stilled in his hand and turned away. “That won’t be necessary.”
Shoving her into Ace’s arms, he muttered, “You are a nasty piece of work, lady.”
Darkness listened to their conversation without once interrupting. His voice was low and calm when he finally spoke. “Keep your hands on her, Ryder. I don’t want any surprises. If she even looks like she’s going to cause any trouble at all, zip-tie her hands behind her and gag her.”
“You got it, boss,” Ryder agreed happily. He only wished she’d be dumb enough to push her luck. “This deal is going down just the way we planned it.”
Abby jerked to get closer to Darkness, spitting venom and spite. “You’d better have your quarter of a million or my Devil will tear this place apart.”
Without clueing her in to the change of plans, they watched Devil, Ratchet, and a dozen of his men step out of a large speedboat. They were dressed in faded jeans and wore Seven Devils cuts. They were heavily armed and glancing suspiciously around, as much as Ryder would be doing if he was in enemy territory.
“You making a deal tonight, Darkness?” Devil’s voice rang out in the cool night air.
Darkness stepped forward to greet the other man. “I don’t want to, but it seems you hold all the cards.”
Ever the narcissist, Ratchet spoke up. “Hard time calling on a man to make tough choices. Not many men would give up a child if it could be avoided.”
“Since I never thought I’d have a kid, you’d be right about that part.” Glancing over his shoulder at Abby, who was straining to get out of Ace’s hold, Darkness sighed. “The bitch I can live without, though. She ain’t nothing but trouble.”
Ratchet responded casually, “Most are. Let’s get on with it. I can’t say I like being on your turf.”
“We drop our weapons on the tarp before we go inside. Don’t need anyone getting a twitchy trigger finger during the deal.” Reaching up to touch the wound that was still slightly tender to the touch, Darkness frowned. “We both know how that turned out last time.”
“We took care of that little problem.”
Ryder nodded. “We saw the autopsy report. Fuckin’ addicts are always a liability.”
Darkness gestured to the tarp. “Unload, and we’ll sit down with my lawyers. You know how the straight arrows are. Most of them ain’t never seen a real gun before.”
Devil chuckled. “Ain’t that the truth. Ours acts like just lookin’ at a gun will brand him a criminal forever.”