Page 5 of Fighting Dirty
Lily took a stuttering breath and murmured, “Thank you.”
There was a sharp contrast between Lily and the club whores. Lily was wearing her cute little Halloween biker shirt, nice black jeans, and an expensive pair of Harley boots. Her long, light hair and neatly groomed French manicure offset her lovely features and elegant jewelry perfectly.
The older woman leaned over, looking into Tiffany’s eyes. “Women throwing themselves at our men isn’t all that unusual around here.” She looked pointedly down at Tiffany’s plate. “You should eat before your food gets cold.”
Scrambling to keep up with the sudden shift in conversation, Tiffany murmured politely, “Thanks for grabbing me some food before the goblins and monsters scarfed it all down.” Then she added, “You’re right, the women around are bold as brass. I’ve never seen anything like it.”
Lily chuckled. “You have a good sense of humor. I like that in a person. I don’t know what got into that one. Everyone here knows my Ven doesn’t do whores.”
A dirty blonde landed on the table across from them. She reeked of alcohol, her hair and lipstick were a mess, and she smelled like sex. Her tight, latex top appeared to be smudged with dirty handprints—only on the breasts.
Tiffany’s appetite took an immediate vacation, and she dropped her fork, unable to enjoy her food with this particular dining partner at the table.
“That one has a name, you self-righteous prude. Ven will eventually cave in for the right whore. All of them do.”
Tiffany cleared her throat. “Let’s not get rude.”
“Who the hell are you? I’ve never seen you before.”
“Can you read?” she asked, allowing her distaste for the woman to color her words.
“Of fucking course, I can read.”
Standing, Tiffany turned long enough for her to read the words on the back of her vest.Property of Ryder.
The woman snorted a laugh. “You don’t look like much. I doubt you’ll last around here.”
“I remember there being some discussion about inviting the whores to the final cookout of the year. I’m guessing the brothers are regretting that decision about now,” Tiffany responded with an air of superiority that she knew would get under the woman’s skin like a tick.
“You pompous little bitch,” she snarled. “I don’t have to sit here and listen to that kind of shit.”
“You’re right about that. You should move on along if you can’t be nice.”
Snorting another laugh, the woman produced a flask and drank down whatever was inside. “Like these boys want nice.”
“Well, they’re not boys. They’re men, and from what I can tell, they seem to be partial to nice women, because we’re both fairly nice, and we’re wearing property cuts.”
“No accounting for some men’s taste, I suppose. You’re both boring as fuck.” Standing, the woman took another draw off her flask and staggered off. She was wearing a short, black miniskirt with a piece of stark-white toilet paper peeking out the back.
Trying not to laugh at the ridiculous woman, Tiffany mused out loud, “That was all kinds of fun. Guess I don’t get out much, being as how I’m so boring and all.”
Lily looked slightly embarrassed. “Still think you fit in around here, Tiffany.”
Grinning like a fool, she replied, “I fit in with the people I like, and that’s good enough for me.”
Another woman slid onto the seat in front of them. “Sorry about Precious. We’re not all chronic whore overachievers. Some of us are just regular gals that fell on hard times, and the club gives us a place to crash.”
The new woman’s approach didn’t raise her hackles like the last one, so Tiffany responded conversationally, “That’s kind of my story, only with a bit of romance and patching up bullet wounds.”
“Really?” the woman asked with some surprise.
She nodded. “I met Ryder when he wound up in my ER after a shootout with another biker. I was his nurse. We kind of worked our way through a dangerous situation together, and he invited me to come back with him.”
Eyes glittering with excitement, she said, “That’s wild. I heard all about him and Ace having it out over what happened between Ace’s brother and Rose. I’m glad they worked it out.”
“Yeah, me too. He’s been good to me. When I had to relocate, this turned out to be a godsend for me.”