Page 25 of Ace of Hearts
“About that. You two gonna tell me how you went from mortal enemies to besties?”
“That’s a long-ass story for another day.” Ryder stopped talking to shove the last of his burger into his mouth and chased it with a gulp of coffee. “You ever rode a motorcycle, old man?”
“I think everyone in America has ridden at one time or another.”
“We ain’t all that wild about toting you around on the back of our bikes. Is there any place around here that sells used bikes?”
“Yes, sir, there surely is.”
“We’ll see if we can’t find you a nice little soft-tail to ride.”
“Well now, I wouldn’t be able to reimburse you if I accidentally damaged your bike when you let me ride it.”
“Consider it a gift. Being able to ride is true freedom. You know that, right?”
Ace watched the older man become slightly emotional. Clearing his throat, he struggled to fight back the tears. He watched Ryder reach out to squeeze his shoulder.
“From here on out, everything’s going to be okay. I promise you, it will. Our club has an attorney on retainer. I can probably get him to see if we can get the charges dropped.”
“This situation is almost too good to be true.”
Ryder perked up. “Look here, old man, I’m still walking and talking because of you.”
“I suppose that’s true. Truth be told, I probably did that because—”
“It doesn’t matter the why of it,” Ryder interrupted. “If there’s one thing my old lady’s taught me, it’s that redemption is possible if you give a man half a chance.”
“She sounds like a kind-hearted woman.”
“I never would have met her if my good friend Ace hadn’t filled me full of lead. She was a nurse at the hospital.”
The older man smiled. “I knew you were going easy on him for some reason.”
Drinking down the last of their coffee, they headed out to pick up the extra sled for the old man.
~ Barbara ~
“I don’t think you’re a bit sorry about missing my class, young man.”
A deep, masculine voice resonated over the phone line. “Oh but I am, Professor Reynolds.”
Lying on her back on the bed with her legs running up the wall, Barbara had never felt so much like a teenager in her entire life. Cradling her cell phone in the crook of her neck, she pulled up her camisole and ran her hands over her breasts. “I’m going to have to give you a big fat zero for class participation that day.”
“If I fail your class, my rich daddy will cut off my allowance.”
Damn, who would have thought her hot biker was good at role-playing? Staying in character, she responded primly, “You should have thought about that before you skipped my lecture, Jeremy.”
“I’m real sorry, professor. Maybe I could stay after class and make up my work.”
“Aren’t you all kinds of motivated to learn about ancient fossils?”
“It’s fascinating stuff. I was told that sometimes teachers give extra credit assignments.”
“We do, but they’re usually really boring.”
“You’re a real smart lady. I’ll bet you could think up something for a naughty boy like me to do for extra credit.”
Could she ever! A dozen truly filthy images swirled around in her head, bumping into each other. “I have several really good ideas.”