Page 45 of Ace of Hearts
Glancing up at her, he smothered back a smile. “You’re real sweet. I’ll remember you liked that.”
“How can we be so different, and yet so perfect for each other?”
He shook his head with the same disbelief she was feeling. “I don’t know, angel. I’m just glad I found you.”
Clearing her throat, she reminded him primly, “It was me who found you.”
Edging into her personal space, he tilted her head back to look into her eyes. “Thank you for selecting me.”
“Oh, you’re definitely selected, so don’t be thinking you’re free to see other people,” she informed him, feeling the need to stake her claim.
Rolling his eyes, he teased, “One little taste, and every woman wants to own my ass.”
Well crap. Maybe she was coming on too strong? “Am I moving too fast?”
“Hell no, and double hell no. Ain’t no woman wants me but you, and I sure as hell don’t want any other woman but you.”
Sliding off the counter, she felt a wave of relief as she murmured, “Good answer.”
Grabbing his hand, Barbara led him back out to his room as if she owned the place. Finger combing her damp hair, she climbed into his bed. Instead of crawling in after her, he stood staring at her as she got comfortable.
Clawing the tangles from her hair, she began to feel uncomfortable. “Is it okay that I helped myself to your bed?”
Nodding, he responded quietly, “You can help yourself to any goddamn thing I have, angel.”
“You’re looking at me weird.”
“I want to see it.” His voice took on a husky quality that ate away at her resolve to be ladylike. Barbara didn’t need to ask. Instinctively, she knew he wanted her to spread her legs for him.Why were men so fascinated by vaginas?His entire demeanor was so alert and excited that she didn’t have the heart to deny him.
Slowly pulling back the blankets, she edged one leg away from the other. Rather than being frustrated with her incremental progress, his face lit up and seemed to be made of eyes.
“You have delicate ankles. I like that in a woman.”
“Glad to hear you say that.” What a weird thing to like. Snatching together all her courage, she pivoted around and opened her legs as she leaned back on her arms. If not for exposing the goods, she’d have felt like some fifties pinup girl.
“You shave it all off,” he said, his voice hollow, as if his mouth had suddenly gone dry.
“I get it done on a regular basis. Men think they’re so tough. Try getting your lady parts waxed once a month, and you’ll know true pain.”
“I use an electric razor on mine,” he divulged.
“I noticed that the first time we were together. It’s what turned your hand job into a blow job.”
The look of amazement on his face blew her away. “I never would have guessed that. Are you messin’ with me?”
“No, I honestly love that you manscape. Hygienic men are hard to find.”
“I gotta be twice as conscientious about that shit as other men ‘cause the rest of the package sucks.”
Barbara scowled. “No, it doesn’t, and you’re pissing me off by saying that all the time.”
“I don’t… well, maybe I do,” he said, catching himself. He frowned down at the floor.
Holding out her arms, she murmured, “Don’t worry, babe. We’ll work on that.”
When his head came up and he gave her that slow smile, she thought, yeah, they would definitely work on it. For as long as it took.
“Get over here,” she husked, eager to get started.